The SSPHS Bulletin
The SSPHS Bulletin is published three times each year and
distributed to the members of the Society. The editor welcomes
suggestions for articles and essays; news about research in progress,
recent publications, honors and awards; notes on archives, libraries,
and other current information on research materials; bibliographic
and reviews of recent publications; and news of academic meetings of
to historians of Iberia. All correspondence regarding the contents,
submissions, and permissions to reprint material published in the Bulletin
should be directed to the General Editor.
Beginning in 2005, the Bulletin will be produced electronically, made
available on the SSPHS website and mailed out electronically to
members. Members wishing to receive paper copies of the Bulletin should
add 5$ to their annual dues.
General Editor:
Prof. Dan Crews
Editor, SSPHS Bulletin
Department of History and Anthropology
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, Missouri 64093
Associate Editors
Costa Gomes
Connie Mathers
Ruth McKay
Marta Vicente
Contributions to the Bulletin are to be sent to the General
They must be accompanied by an electronic version on disk and/or in an
e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word. Contributors should write to
the editor for style guidelines before
sending their submission.
Book Reviews
Books for review should be sent to the General Editor.
Recent Issues
Vol. XXXIII, no. 1
Vol. XXXII, no.
1/2 (2007) (PDF)
XXXI, no. 1/2 (2006)
XXX, no. 2
(fall, 2005)
Back Issues
Now available: back issues of the Bulletin in full-text online
form. Many thanks to Professor
Dan Crews and the University of Central Missouri for supporting this
digital conversion project and to A. Katie Harris (University of
California, Davis) for preparing the PDF files.
Volume I, no. 1 and as a PDF file
Volume I, no. 2 and as a PDF file
Volume I,
no. 3 and as a PDF file
Volume I,
no. 4 and as a PDF file
Volume I,
no. 5 and as a PDF file
Volume I,
no. 6 and as a PDF file
Volume I,
no. 7 and as a PDF file
Volume I no. 8 (PDF)
Volume II, no. 1 and as a PDF file
Volume II, no. 2 (PDF file)
Volume II, no. 3 (PDF file)
Volume II, no. 4 (PDF file)
Volume II, no. 5 (PDF file)
Volume II, no. 6 (PDF file)
Volume II, no. 7/8 (PDF file)
Volume III, no. 1
Volume III, no. 2
Volume III, no. 3
Volume III, no. 4
Volume III, no. 5
Volume III, no. 6-7
Volume III, no. 8-9
Volume IV, no. 1
Volume IV, no. 2
Volume IV, no. 3
Hard copies of back issues of the Bulletin
are available at
$5.25 per issue. Make all checks payable to the Society for Spanish and
Portuguese Historical Studies and place all orders with: Carla Rahn
Phillips, Department of History, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55455, USA.
Microfilm and microfiche of the Bulletin
from its inception
in 1969 is available, with a complete index. Direct inquiries to the
General Secretary, Ida Altman,
Revised August 23, 2008
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about the site to the Web Editors . The Web Editors will not
answer queries about topics in Spanish or Portuguese history.