Thomas F. Glick, Editor
Volume l, No. 1
December, 1969
The Symposium on Spanish Republican Emigration, held at Wesleyan University in April, 1969 (reported in this issue of the Newsletter) provided the opportunity to hold the first meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Studies. The Society was formed by an ad hoc Organizing Committee composed of Professors Carlos Blanco-Aguinaga (University of California at San Diego), Clara E. Lida (Wesleyan University), Edward Malefakis (Northwestern University), Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz (New York University), and Iris M. Zavala (State University of New York at Stony Brook). At a general meeting held on April 19 attended by historians and others present at the Emigration Symposium, the members of the ad-hoc Committee were constituted the first Executive Council of the Society for the year 1969-1970. The Assembly then voted to expand the number of members in the Executive Council to seven and voted to include Professors Thomas Glick (University of Texas) and Juan Marichal (Harvard University). A draft constitution and by-laws were read, discussed and amended; the revised version is published in this issue of the Newsletter. It was resolved that the Society address itself to matters of historical scholarship -- economic, social, political and intellectual. The Assembly approved the publication of a Newsletter to foster communication within the field. Professor Thomas Glick was named Editor of the Newsletter, and at the same time Professor Lida was elected General Secretary of the Society. Mr. Donald Wisdom of the Library of Congress informed the Society of plans to microfilm and make available to the public Spanish newspapers of the 19th end 20th centuries. (Recent progress of the microfilm project is reported below).
Article I:
2. The Committee will elect a Chairman and a Secretary among its members.
3. The treasurer and the editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. An assistant secretary treasurer shall be appointed and receive such compensation as the Committee may determine.
The Editor plans to issue the Newsletter three times a year, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Members are urged to report news relevant to Spanish history and related Social Science fields. It is particularly hoped that members who are in Spain will be able to report directly on scholarly activities and meetings, institutional news, archival and other research facilities, and similar material. The Newsletter would also welcome research reports, such as reviews of the literature or of recent research in various fields. The Newsletter's address is: T. F. Glick, Department of History, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712.
The annual meeting of the Society will be held Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, on April 18 and 19, 1970. Members who wish to read work-in-progress papers (average length ten pages or 30 minutes reading time) should inform the General Secretary of their topics no later than February 1, 1970. Papers may be read in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. In addition, there will be a special symposium on agrarian history. The program and full details of the meeting will be announced in the next Newsletter.
Since Fall 1968 the Latin American Research Review has been listing work in progress in Iberian Social Science fields (History, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, etc.) The response to the initial questionnaire was excellent. 21 Spanish projects and three concerned with Portugal were listed in Vol. III, No. 4. Vol. IV, No. 1 listed 20 Spain and 10 Portugal, Vol. IV, No. 2, 22 Spain and 5 Portugal. Research inventory report forms may be obtained from D. Cheryl Wilkins, Latin American Research Review, 214 Archway, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78705.
As a complement to the LARR inventory of postdoctoral research, this Newsletter will report dissertations in progress in Iberian history and other Social Science fields. A report form is appended to this issue.
The Hispanic Foundation is pleased to announce that the Library of Congress has recently acquired from the British Museum positive microfilms of the Madrid, Spain newspaper, La Epoca for the period January 2, 1870 - May 22, 1874 and January 1, 1875 -June 30, 1909.
(Reportedly a general censorship was in effect for the period May 23- December 31, 1874). The holdings of La Epoca for this period on microfilm comprise 149 reels of positive microfilm.
La Epoca, of Madrid, was a leading spokesman for moderate Spanish conservatism for nearly a century. Founded in 1849 by Diego Coello, one of the earliest Spanish newspaper entrepreneurs, it served first as a supporter of O'Donnell's Liberal Union, and then, after 1875, as the organ of Canovas del Castillo's Conservative Party. La Epoca began to lose the journalistic supremacy it held during most of the last quarter of the 19th century after
the assassination of Canovas (1897), the gradual decomposition of the Conservative Party, and the appearance of the modern type of journalism first personified by ABC (1902). Nevertheless, the newspaper remained an important voice for the Spanish aristocracy, for large landowners, and for Madrid financial and commercial groups until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936.
Positive microfilms of La Epoca for the 1870-1909 period may be purchased from the Photographic Service, the British Museum, London, W.C.1. The cost is 3 lOs ($8.28 U.S.) per roll of microfilm. Price is subject to change without prior notice.
The University of Texas Library has been purchasing negative microfilm of El Mercantil Valenciano, the leading liberal republican daily of Valencia and one of the most important provincial newspapers of Restoration Spain and later. At present the University Library has 18 reels, from January 1, 1871, through May 11, 1890. The project should be completed in two or three years, up to the paper's demise in 1939.
The Photoduplication Service of the Library of Congress can now offer positive microfilms of the Madrid, Spain El Sol; diario independiente for the period June 1, 1922 - November 2, 1936. The file of this newspaper that has been microfilmed includes the combined holdings of the following libraries: Indiana University, University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, University of California, Los Angeles, and the Library of Congress. The file is complete except for the following six issues: July 29, October 23-25, October 30 - November 1, 1936.
El Sol; diario independiente of Madrid was a leading liberal
and intellectual newspaper during the period 1917-1937. It was founded December 1, 1917 under the editorship of Nicolás Maria de Urquoiti. Notable contributors to El Sol include José Ortega y Gasset, Luis de Zulueta, José Martinez Ruiz ("Azorin"), Felix Lorenzo ("Heliófilo"), Carlos de Baraibar and Luis Bagariá.
The cost of positive microfilm on 38 reels is $450.00 Orders or letters of inquiry should be addressed to: Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, 10 First Street, S.E., Washington, D. C. 20540.
A significant collection of 204 Spanish books, many relating to the history of printing and book-making in Spain, has been acquired by Southern Methodist University in Dallas with the help of an institutional assistance grant from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The oldest book in the collection, an incunable, is the Doze Trabajos de Hercules of Enrique de Villena, printed in Burgos in 1499. Among the subjects covered in the collection are Spanish architecture, history of education in Spain, manuscripts and documents, including royal cédulas, bullfighting, and early dramatic literature.
The III Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Medicina was held in Valencia, 10-12 April, 1969.
This was the triennial meeting of the Spanish History of Medicine Society (the last meeting was held at Salamanca in 1964). The Valencia meeting was organized by J. M. López Piñero, Professor of History of Medicine at the University of Valencia, who hoped to broaden the scope of the meeting to include not only science and technology in general, but also social, economic and demographic fields as they relate broadly to medical history. This aim was largely realized and, therefore, the Third Congress should rank favorably with the Crown of Aragon congresses of the Vicens Vives era as an opener
of new paths in the social history of Spain. American participants were Temma Kaplan (UCLA), "La obra histológica de Luis Simarro" and "Las ideas psicológicas en la obra de Luis Simarro," and Thomas F. Glick (Texas), "La recepción del darwinismo en España" and "Un homenaje valenciano a Darwin en el centenario de su nacimiento (1909)." The Acts of the Congress will be published in 1970. For further information, write J. M. López Piñero, Cátedra de Historia de la Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Paseo al Mar, 16, Valencia-10.
During the academic year 1969-1970 Professors B. Barrere and M. Tuñón de Lara have been conducting a seminar on recent Spanish history in the Spanish Department, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, at Pau. Among the research projects in progress in the interdisciplinary seminar are 'The Origins of Catalan Anarcho-syndicalism and the Barcelona Strike of 1902," "The Asturian Workers' Movement at the Beginning of the Century," "The French Department of Basses Pyrenees and the Spanish Civil War," and "The Origins and Early Years of the Daily El Sol." Completed works by members of the Seminar include "The Legislative Elections of 1891 and 1893 and the Workers' Movement in Madrid," by Manuel Navarro, and "The Institución Libre de Enseñanza," by Marie Claire Schneider.
The Seminar has undertaken collectively a biographical file of the 19th and 20th centuries and, in addition, is building a collection of microfilms and photocopies of source material.
The Second Symposium on the Spanish Republican Emigration, entitled "La emigración española ante si misma: historia y literatura," took place at Wesleyan University on April 18 and 19, 1969. The program was divided into two sections, one for literary problems and another for history. Participating in the literature
panel were Francisco Ayala ("Evolución de la actitud de los escritores emigrados con respecto a la España actual"), Manuel Durán ("Notas sobre León Felipe y la poesia española en el exilio"), Ildefonso Manuel Gil ("Escritores en exilio interior"), Roberto Ruiz ("La desconexión de la realidad española en sus aspectos positivos y negativos: dificultades en el nuevo medio cultural"), and Gonzalo Sobejano ("La lengua del escritor. Observaciones sobre la lengua de dos novelistas de la emigración: Max Aub y Francisco Ayala"). The history panel included Gabriel Jackson ("The Emigré Contributions to the Historiography of the Civil War: A Personal View"), Vicente Llorens ("Aspectos positivos y negativos de la emigración"), Javier Malagón ("El historiador emigrado en México"), and Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz ("La España de Franco como problema histórico"). Professor Carlos Blanco acted as moderator for both panels.
To: Professor Clara E. Lida
General Secretary
Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
Department of History
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
__________ Associate (non-academic) membership (annual dues ($5)
__________ Student membership (annual dues ($5)
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
University affiliation (Regular and student members _________________________________________
Interests in field __________________________________________________________________________
To: Thomas F. Glick
Department of History
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712
The following doctoral dissertations are in progress under my direction (please include name of student, title or short description of research topic and estimated date of completion):
(Signed) ________________________ Name
__________________________________ Department
__________________________________ University