Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies

Research Funding: Fellowships

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CALENDAR OF DEADLINES (Many of these fellowships are offered each year, and deadlines will be updated as new cycles are announced):
Newberry Library Long-Term Residential Fellowships in the Humanities, 2008-09 (DEADLINE: JANUARY 10, 2008)
Long-term fellowships are available to post-doctoral scholars for periods of six to eleven months.  These grants support individual research in fields appropriate to the library's collections and promote serious intellectual exchange through active participation in the Library's scholarly activities, including a biweekly fellows' seminar.  The stipend for these fellowships is up to $40,000 unless specified under the award description. Updated application forms will be available in September 2007.
For more information:
University of Notre Dame, Medieval Institute: 2008-09 A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medieval Studies (DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2008)
The fellowship will permit an outstanding junior scholar in any field of medieval studies to pursue research at the Medieval Institute during the academic year 2008-09. Applicants must have the Ph.D. as of the application date, must not be more than five years beyond the Ph.D, and must hold a regular appointment at a U.S. institution to which they plan to return after the fellowship year.  The stipend is $40,000.
For more information:
University of Toronto, Jewish Studies Program: Ray D. Wolfe Doctoral and Post-doctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies (DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2008)
The Jewish Studies Program offers an annual fellowship to support advanced research in Jewish Studies. Fellowships are awarded to candidates working on doctoral dissertations as well as to post-doctoral applicants. Applicants must be engaged in research related to the history, culture, literature, religion or thought of the Jewish people. Ray D. Wolfe fellows will teach one course in each of the two terms of the academic year. They will also deliver one public lecture. Fellows receive a $40,000 (Canadian) stipend to defray living and travel costs.
For more information:
The Lilly Library Mendel Fellowships (Indiana University) (DEADLINES: APRIL 15, 2008/OCTOBER 15, 2007)
The Lilly Library of Indiana University invites applications for fellowships of up to $40,000 in support of research in the library's Bernardo Mendel collections. Established through a bequest by the estate of Johanna Lenz Mendel in 1998, the Mendel Fellowships are intended to support research by scholars from around the world in areas of particular interest to the Mendels, including: the history of the Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the Americas; voyages, travels and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography; German literature and history; and music, including sheet music.  The amount of the stipend is based on the length of stay, which may range from one week to a full academic year. 
For more information:  
National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowships (DEADLINE: MAY 1, 2007)

Fellowships for advanced research in the humanities are offered for uninterrupted periods of six to twelve months at a stipend of $4,200 per month. The maximum stipend is $50,400 for a twelve-month tenure period..  The earliest that fellows may begin tenure is January 1, 2008; the latest date is July 1, 2009. 
For more information:

John W. Kluge Fellowships at the Library of Congress, 2008-09 (DEADLINE: July 15, 2007)
The Library of Congress invites scholars who have received a terminal advanced degree within the past seven years in the humanities, social sciences or in a professional field such as architecture or law to conduct research in the John W. Kluge Center using the Library of Congress collections and resources for a period of six to eleven months. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and multi-lingual research topics are encouraged. Up to twelve fellowships will be awarded and fellows receive a stipend of $4000 per month.
For more information:
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program: Fellowships for 2008-2009 (DEADLINE: AUGUST  1, 2007)
For Spain, three research fellowships for postdoctoral scholars, normally in the social sciences or humanities, will be awarded for periods of three to five months.  
For more information:
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation: Guggenheim Fellowships for Research and Artistic Creation (DEADLINES: SEPTEMBER 15, 2007/Citizens and Permanent Residents of the United States and Canada ; DECEMBER 1, 2007/Citizens and Permanent Residents of Latin America and the Caribbean)
The Guggenheim Fellowships are awarded to men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.  Appointments are ordinarily made for one year, and in no instance for a period shorter than six consecutive months.  The amounts of the grants will be adjusted to the needs of the Fellows, considering their other resources and the purpose and scope of their plans.
For more information:
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities 2008-2009 (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 1, 2007)
The Center awards approximately 20-25 residential academic-year fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues. Topics should relate to key public policy challenges or provide the historical and/or cultural framework to illumine policy issues of contemporary importance. Fellows are provided with a stipend (includes a round-trip transportation allowance), part-time research assistance and private offices at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC.
For more information:
American Council of Learned Societies: Fellowships for 2008-09 (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 3, 2007)
The ACLS Fellowship Program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences.  The Fellowships are intended as salary replacement and may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay to reach that goal. The stipend ($30,000-$60,000) is set according to academic rank.  Fellowships are awarded for six to twelve consecutive months devoted to full-time research, to be initiated between July 1, 2008 and February 1, 2009. To be eligible, candidates must have received the Ph.D. prior to Oct. 3, 2005; any candidate's most recent supported research leave must have concluded prior to July 1, 2006.  The Fellowship Program includes the ACLS/New York Public Library Fellowships for residence at the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.
For more information:
American Council of Learned Societies: Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 3, 2007)
The Burkhardt fellowships support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the humanities and related social sciences. Applications are invited that extend the frame within which research is planned in ways that will encourage conceptualizing and bringing to completion projects of wide scope and high significance.  Each fellowship carries a stipend of $75,000 and is intended to support an academic year (normally nine months) of residence at any one of nine national residential research centers.  This year's successful applicants may take up the fellowship in 2008-2009 or in either of the succeeding two academic years, but candidates must commit themselves firmly to their preferred year and residential center on their completed applications. Applicants must have begun their first tenured contracts no earlier than fall 2003.
For more information:
American Council of Learned Societies/Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowships (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 3, 2007)
These fellowships support advanced assistant professors and untenured associate professors in the humanities and related social sciences whose scholarly contributions have advanced their fields and who have well designed and carefully developed plans for new research.  Each fellowship carries a stipend of $64,000, a fund of $2,500 for research and travel, and the possibility of an additional summer's support ($14,222), if justified by a persuasive case.  Fellows have 3 years to use the funds awarded them, and considerable flexibility in structuring their research time.
For more information:
Columbia University: Society of Fellows in the Humanities, 2008-09 (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2007)
Fellows are appointed as lecturers in appropriate departments of the university and as postgraduate research fellows for one year; the fellowship may be renewed for a second and third year. Fellows are expected to teach one course per semester in their first year and one course annually in subsequent years; devote themselves to their research projects; and become a part of an intellectual community centered around the Society's interdisciplinary mission.  Newly appointed fellows must have received the Ph.D. between January 1, 2004 and July 1, 2008.  Fellows receive an annual stipend of $52,000 and an additional $4000 research allowance.
For more information:
The Lilly Library Mendel Fellowships (Indiana University) (DEADLINES: OCTOBER 15, 2007/APRIL 15, 2008)
The Lilly Library of Indiana University invites applications for fellowships of up to $40,000 in support of research in the library's Bernardo Mendel collections. Established through a bequest by the estate of Johanna Lenz Mendel in 1998, the Mendel Fellowships are intended to support research by scholars from around the world in areas of particular interest to the Mendels, including: the history of the Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the Americas; voyages, travels and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography; German literature and history; and music, including sheet music.  The amount of the stipend is based on the length of stay, which may range from one week to a full academic year. 
For more information:  
Princeton University: Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, 2008-11 (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2007)
The Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, comprised of recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities, and in selected social and natural sciences, seeks to promote innovative interdisciplinary approaches to scholarship and teaching. Postdoctoral Fellows are appointed for three-year terms to pursue research and teach half-time in their academic department, in the Program for Humanistic Research, or in other university programs. Candidates must have received their Ph.D. degree after Jan.1, 2005 and by June 15, 2008. The stipend for 2008-2009 will be approximately $66,500, supplemented by a $2500 annual research account.
For more information:
American Philosophical Society: Sabbatical Fellowship for the Humanities and Social Sciences (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 15, 2007)
Fellowships of $30,000 to $40,000 for the second half of a sabbatical year may be awarded to mid-career faculty of universities and 4-year colleges in the United States who have been granted a sabbatical/research year, but for whom financial support from the parent institution is available for only part of the year. Candidates must not have had a financially supported leave at any time subsequent to September 1, 2005. The doctoral degree must have been conferred no later than 2000, and no earlier than 1987.
For more information:
National Humanities Center Fellowships, 2008-09 (DEADLINE: OCTOBER 15, 2007)
The National Humanities Center offers 40 residential fellowships for advanced study during the academic year, September 2008 through May 2009. Applicants must hold doctorate or have equivalent scholarly credentials, and a record of publication is expected. The center does not support revision of a doctoral dissertation. Scholars from any nation may apply. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. Fellowships up to $60,000 are individually determined.
For more information:
Penn Humanities Forum: Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania (DEADLINE: OCT. 15, 2007)
Five one-year residential fellowships are available for untenured scholars in the humanities who received or will receive their Ph.D. between December 1999 and December 2007. The topic of research must relate to Change, the Forum's topic of study for 2008–09. Fellows pursue their research, participate in the Forum's weekly faculty research seminar where they present their research, and teach one undergraduate course each term on a subject that relates to the annual theme. The Fellowship carries a stipend of $42,000, plus health insurance, and is open to international scholars.
For more information:
Stanford Humanities Center: External Faculty Fellowships, 2008-09 (DEADLINE: OCT. 15, 2007)
The Stanford Humanities Center awards external faculty fellowships to support research projects in the humanities. Senior fellowships are for established scholars who are more than ten years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. Junior fellowships are for scholars who, in September 2008, will be at least three years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. and no more than ten. Fellows are awarded stipends of up to $60,000 and a housing and moving allowance of up to $15,000, dependent on need.  Fellows are expected to be in residence for the academic year; pursue their own research, study and writing; and contribute to the intellectual life of the Stanford community by participating in an ongoing research workshop, or teaching one course in a Stanford department or in Stanford's Continuing Studies Program.
For more information:
American Academy in Rome: 2008-09 Rome Prize Fellowships (DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 1, 2007)
Through its annual Rome Prize fellowship program, the American Academy in Rome supports fifteen scholars (working in Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and early Modern, or Modern Italian Studies) and fifteen emerging artists.  The Academy's Rome Prize winners are part of a residential community of up to 100 people each year.
For more information:
National Endowment for the Humanities: Scholarly Editions Grants (DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 1, 2007)
Scholarly Editions Grants support the preparation by a team of at least two editors and staff of texts and documents that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. Projects involving significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials are typical in this grant program, but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible.
For more information:
National Endowment for the Humanities: Collaborative Research Grants (DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 1, 2007)
Collaborative Research Grants support: original research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars; or research coordinated by an individual scholar that, because of its scope or complexity, requires additional staff and resources beyond the individual's salary.
For more information:
Memberships (2008-09), School of Historical Studies , Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey (DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 15, 2007)
A community of scholars in which intellectual inquiry can be carried out in the most favorable circumstances, the Institute provides Members with offices, access to libraries, subsidized restaurant and housing facilities, and some secretarial and word processing services.  The School of Historical Studies is open to all fields of historical research, and candidates of any nationality may apply for one or two terms. The Ph.D. (or equivalent) & substantial publications are required.  Residence during term time is required, but the only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research.  Members may participate in seminars and meetings within the Institute and there are ample opportunities for contacts with scholars at nearby universities.
Approximately forty members are appointed for one or two terms each year. Institute stipends will normally be offered up to a maximum of $60,000 for the academic year, of $30,000 for one semester.
For more information:
Stanford Humanities Fellows (DEADLINE: DECEMBER 3, 2007)
The Stanford Humanities Fellows Program is a postdoctoral fellowship designed to give the best recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities a unique opportunity to develop as scholars and teachers. Each year, up to six fellowships are awarded for a two-year term. Fellows teach one course and contribute a second course-equivalent per year in one of Stanford's fifteen humanities departments. In addition, Fellows participate in the intellectual life of the program by sharing work in progress, meeting regularly as a group and with faculty, and generally contributing to the community of humanists at Stanford. It is expected that Fellows are in residence during the term of their appointment. The annual stipend for this postdoctoral appointment is approximately $52,000, and includes additional support for computer assistance, research, and relocation expenses. For 2008-09, the competition focuses on the following fields: Classics, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies. To be eligible, candidates must have received the Ph.D. between Jan. 1, 2005 and June 30, 2008.
For more information:
2008-2009 Fellowships at The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA (DEADLINE: DECEMBER 15, 2007)
Barbara Thom Postdoctoral Fellowships are designed to support non-tenured faculty members who are revising a manuscript for publication.   Preference will be given to scholars who received their Ph.D. between 2003 and 2005. Fellowships are for nine to twelve months and carry a stipend of $40,000.
Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are for nine to twelve months with a stipend of $40,000.
NEH Fellowships offer stipends of up to $40,000 for four to twelve months.
Applicants for all fellowships must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to the Huntington's collections, and recipients are expected to be in continuous residence at the Huntington and to participate in its intellectual life.
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