SALAMAN2.CAT PART 2 10PP:42k BOOKS AND LIBRARIES IN SALAMANCA (1240-1300) John Dagenais Richard S. Gardner William D. McHugh Northwestern University SAL1275D1221 City: Salamanca Date: 1275-12-21 Document Type: Inventory Owner: eglesia [de Salamanca] Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 44, leg. 2, no. 26 (1275-12-21) Editions: G\'omez Moreno, Cat\'alogo 1:499-500 G\'mez Moreno, Inventario 175-80 Mart\'in Mart\'in, Documentos 449-54 [#352] Newly Edited for this publication from microfilm by J.D. Total Items: 0037 Total Works: 0037 Item en es mismo dia de Sancto Thome en la era sobre dicha, re\,cibieron el dean et el cabildo de Salamanca de Iohan Fernandez, canonigo, et de Nunno Rodriguez, conpanero dessa misma eglesia por nombre de Iohan Vermudez, thesorero que fue, aquestos libros que se siguen.... Item entries: 1 El p_ri_mero es Gregori_us_ naza_n_z[e]_n_o [sic] q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Proficiscensi m_ihi_ &c.a [Gomez-Moreno=Proficiscenti] Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint (ca. 330-389/390), Liber Apologeticus [c. 379]. Note: This is the title of the first of the Orationes with the prologue by Rufinus of Aquileia (345-410) to his Latin translation. 2 It_em_ ot_ro_ q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Propicio _Christ_o &c.a Unable to identify Note: the "&c.a" suggests a familiar text, but it has so far eluded us. 3 It_em_ ot_ro_ q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca jacob_us_ &c.a [James 1:1] James 4 It_em_ vnos s_er_mones de Innocen[cius] q_ue_ comie_n_ca_n_ [sic] Innoce_n_[cius] episcopus Innocent III, Pope (1160/1161-1216), Sermones 5 It_em_ Gregori_us_ sup_er_ ezechiele_m_ q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca_n_ In no_m_i_n_e s_an_c_t_e t_ri_nitatis Gregory I, Pope (ca.540-604), Homiliae in Ezechielem Note: This is not standard incipit for Gregory on Ezechiel. Here a scribal invocation has been recorded as the incipit. 6 It_em_ expositio [or exposition??] origenis q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Colende me paruo subiectu [=Volentem me parvo subvectum navigio] Origen (ca. 185-ca. 254), Explanatio Super Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos Note: This includes prologue by Rufinus of Aquileia (345-410). 7 It_em_ vn lib_ro_ de Gregorio q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Explene uerbis [=Explere uerbis] Gregory I, Pope (ca. 540-604), Epistola ad Recharedum Visigothorum Regum 8 It_em_ vnos sermones q_ue_ comien\,ca_n_ Dicite pusillanimes [cf. Is. 35:4] Probably: Hugh of St. Victor (1096?-1141), Sermones de tempore Note: This is incipit of Hugh's In adventu domini sermo primus. 9 It_em_ e la exposition del salt_er_io q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca prophetas spiritus sancti Psalms with Glossa Ordinaria Note: The standard incipit for this work is "Omnes prophetas spiritus sancti...." Perhaps the manuscript bore the first word in large illuminated letters on a preceding folio which was lost or ignored, or perhaps they were on the same page and the scribe simply ignored them in copying out the incipit for this volume. 0010 It_em_ [chk abbrv.] Epistolas de sant paulo q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_?] Paul_us_ s_er_uus Epistles of Paul Note: Presumably this is a collection of all the Pauline epistles, although, since several of the individual letters begin with this incipit, it is impossible to know which of the Pauline Epistles were included in this volume. 0011 It_em_ q_ua_dernos de los cinco lib_ro_s de moysen q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_??] uolo frat_res_ [??] Pentateuch Note: This is beginning of Glossa Ordinaria on the Pentateuch 0012 It_em_ otro q_ua_derno q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca D_eu_s est incarnat_us_ Unable to identify. 0013 It_em_ sermo_n_es q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_?] Quid gloriaris [1 Cor. 4:7] Unable to identify. 0014 It_em_ Sermones q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_?] Cum ap_ro_pinq_ua_ssent [Matt. 21:1] Unable to identify. This is Matthew 21:1, and therefore the opening of numerous sermons. Possibly this volume is Odo of Cheriton, Sermons, written ca. 1180/1190-1247. Sermones 1-9, vitae ordinem Domini nostri exhibentes Oxford Balliol 38 (XIII) f 83-94. Also in ms. Rome Biblioteca Nacional Central, 1559, fol. 76vb, identified as Jean d'Abbeville, Sermones de tempore (G\'omez P\'erez, #65 [II]). 0015 It_em_ expositio_n_ del salt_er_io q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca ffelices su_n_t auditores Commentary on Psalms. Unable to identify further. A commentary with this incipit is not listed in Stegm\"uller. It is reminiscent of Luke 11:28 and Rev. 1:3. 0016 It_em_ vn exodo de glosa menor q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Hec sunt no_m_i_n_a Exodus (with Glossa minor) Note: The Glossa minor is the work of Gilbert, Bishop of Poitiers (1142-54). 0017 It_em_ [chk abbvr] Ot_ro_ exodo de glosa menor q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Hec sunt no_m_i_n_a Exodus (with Glossa minor) Note: See preceding note. 0018 It_em_ [chk abbvr] Psalt_er_io glosado de glosa menor q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Beatus uir Psalter (with Glossa minor) Note: See note to item #16. 0019 It_em_ [chk abbvr] Epistolas de sant paulo glosadas q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_?] Principio [-a?] [check editions and transcription] reru_m_ Epistles of Paul (glossed) 0020 It_em_ vn lib_ro_ de sentencias q_ue_ compie\,ca Multi Petrus Lombardus, Bishop of Paris (ca. 1100-1160), Sententiarum ;libri IV 0021 It_em_ vn lib_ro_ de los p_ro_ph_et_as q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Nemo Prophets (with Glossa Ordinaria) 0022 It_em_ vn euangelio de sant Johan q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Hic est iohannes John 0023 It_em_ vn gra_n_t Psalt_er_io glosado q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca cum omnes p_ro_ph_et_as Psalter (glossed) Note: Seems to be either Peter of Lombard's prologue or one of many glosses on the prologue of Lombard, or simply the Glossa ordinaria. 0024 It_em_ Sermo_n_es q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca[_n_?] Om_n_em [sic?] pecatum Unable to identify Cf. Bloomfield, Preliminary, nos.559-62: "Omne peccatum." None of these works seems to be a collection of sermons. 0025 It_em_ vm [sic] lib_ro_ q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca apocalipsis Revelation 0026 It_em_ vm [sic] lib_ro_ de sant ysidoro de let_ra_ gallega Isidoro de Sevilla, Saint (ca. 560-636-4-4). Unable to identify work. We are not sure what the term "letra gallega" means. In Galicia the Visigothic hand was used until S. XIII, far longer than in other parts of Spain. It may be then that this item refers to a copy of one of Isidore's works written in the Visigothic hand (Bohigas, Libro, 29-30). 0027 It_em_ Questio_n_es de teologia q_ue_ _com_pie_n_\,ca[_n_?] de fide Possibly: Hugh of St. Victor (1096?-1141), Summa sententiarum. 0028 It_em_ Lucidario q_ue_ _com_pie_n_\,ca Rogat_us_ Honorius Augustodunensis (ca.1080-ca.1156), Elucidarium 0029 It_em_ ot_ro_ lib_ro_ q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Magni [??] op_er_e [Magnopere?] Unable to identify 0030 It_em_ Ot_ro_ lib_ro_ de sant jheronimo q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Lauabo ;&c.a Jerome, Saint (d. 419 or 420), unable to identify work. 0031 It_em_ ot_ro_ lib_ro_ de sant ysidoro q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca ;Quorumdam s_an_c_t_orum patrum Isidoro de Sevilla, Saint (ca. 560-636-4-4), De ortu et obitu patrum. 0032 It_em_ vn salustio q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Salustii Christi [for ;Crispi??] Sallust (86-34 B.C.), either the Bellum Catilinae or the Bellum ;Iugurthinum. 0033 It_em_ vm uirgili_us_ q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Bucolicis Virgil (70-19 B.C.), Eclogues [42-37 B.C.]. 0034 It_em_ vn lucidario q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Rogat_us_ Honorius Augustodunensis (ca.1080-ca.1156), Elucidarium. 0035 It_em_ vn Boe\,cio q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Carmi_n_e [sic] qui ;quonda_m_ Boethius (?-524), De Consolatione Philosophiae. 0036 It_em_ ot_ro_ lib_ro_ q_ue_ comie_n_\,ca Pastoralis cure [cura?] Gregory I-the Great-Pope (c. 540-604), Liber regulae pastoralis. 0037 It_em_ ot_ro_ lib_ro_ q_ue_ _com_pie\,ca Lex sac_ri_legorum Unable to identify. BOOKS AND LIBRARIES IN SALAMANCA--PT. V SAL1285D0401 City: Salamanca Date: 1285-4-1 Document Type: Will Owner: Iohan Dominguez Title: conpannero de la eglesia Catedral de Salamanca Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 2, no. 13-1 (CA. 1285) Editions: On\'is y, Contribuci\'on 84 Martin Ma, Documentos 497-500 [#397] Total Items: 1 Total Works: 2 Sepam quantos esta carta vieren como yo Iohan Dominguez, conpannero de la eglesia Catedral de Salamanca, estando en mio buen seso et en mia buena memoria conprida qual me la Dios quiso dar, salvo desta dolen\,cia que agora he, fago et ordeno mio testamento a servi\,cio de Dios et de Santa Maria, et a provecho de mi alma. Item entries: ---> PF3 Quit PF4 Delete PF6 Reply PF7 Resend PF10 Forward PF11 Back PF12 Retur 1 A Et mando a Iohan, mio fiio, [...?] elas Decretales et otros libros si los y ovier porque pueda deprender algo Gregory IX, Pope (ca.1170-1241), Decretales [ca. 1234]. 1 B Et mando a Iohan, mio fiio,... et otros libros si los y ovier.... otros libros SAL1294D1118 City: Salamanca Date: 1294-11-18 Document Type: Will Owner: Fernan Alfonso Title: canoligo de Leon et de Salamanca Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 2, no. 25-2 (1294-11-18) Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 2, no. 25-3 (CA. 1294) Editions: Martin Ma, Documentos 540-44 [#432] Total Items: 2 Total Works: 2 Sepan quantos esta carta vieren como yo, Fernan Alfonso, canoligo de Leon et de Salamanca, estando en mi sanna salut, et en mi bono entendimiento et en mi sanna memoria, et temiendo la muerte de la (que) ninguno non puede escapar, fago et ordeno mio testamento a servi\,cio de Dios et de Santa Maria, su madre, et a proy et a salude de mi alma....Fecha XVIII dias de noviembre, era de mill et CCC et treinta et dos annos. Item entries: 1 ...lo que he pagado, que esta escrito en mi quaderno mio de cuero que esta enna mi arca mi quaderno mio 2 Et mando que los mios casos de los Degretales que los vendan et lo que valieren que lo den por alma del ar\,cidiano que mato Io. Perec, a Sanc Esidro Casus Decretalium. Unable to identify author. Note: There are several possibilities. Perhaps the most likely is the _Casus decretalium_ by Richard de Mores (Richardus Anglicus) who died in 1242. A work by one of two Iberians may also be indicated: Bernardus Compostellanus, the Younger (d. 1267) wrote an _Apparatus in quinque libros decretalium_. And the Portuguese Juan de Dios (d. 1267) wrote a _Casus decretalium_ (bef. 1238). SAL1298D0313 City: Salamanca Date: 1298-3-13 Document Type: Will Owner: Iohan Perez Manso Title: conpanero de la eglesia de Santa Maria de la See de Salamanca Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 1, no. 11 (1324-05-28) Editions: Martin Ma, Documentos 566-70 [#450] Total Items: 1 Total Works: 1 Sepan quantos este testamento vieren como yo, Iohan Perez Manso, conpanero de la eglesia de Santa Maria de la See de Salamanca, estando en mio seso et en mia sana memoria, fago et ordeno mio testamento en esta manera....Martes, trece dias de mar\,cio, era de mill et tre\,cientos et treynta et seys annos. Item entries: 1 Et mando que toda esta mi manda et toda mi debda que se pague de lo que yo he en Villa dellos mis libros ecclesiasticos.... los mis libros ecclesiasticos SAL1300D0920 City: Salamanca Date: 1300-9-20 Document Type: Will Owner: Martin Perez Title: abbad de San Mar\,ciel e canonigo de Leon y conpannero de la yglesia de Salamanca Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 45, leg. 1, no. 42 (1526), fols. 146-49 Editions: Martin Ma, Documentos 593-95 [#466] Total Items: 2 Total Works: 2 Como nenguna cosa sea mais \,cierta que meurte entre los onbres humanales, e la ora de la muerte non sea \,cierta, por ende yo, Martin Perez, abbad de San Mar\,ciel e canonigo de Leon y conpannero de la yglesia de Salamanca, agraviado por muy grand conpannero de la yglesia de Salamanca, agraviado por muy grand dolor de que cuydo mais morrer que vivir, fago et hordeno mio testmento a servi\,cio de Dios et de su madre Santa Maria....Fecho martes vinte dias de setenbrio, era de mill y CCC y trinta y ocho annos. Item entries: 1 A Yten mando a Fernan Iohanes escolar, criado que fue de Iohan Perez Manso y agora mio clerigo, C marabetinos y el sesto libro desta [?] papa Bonyfac,io que el scrivio, e el otro mio librito [?] viello que las Decretales. Boniface VIII, Pope (ca.1235-1303), Liber Sextus [1298-3-3] 1 B Yten mando a Fernan Iohanes escolar...el otro mio librito [?] viello que las Decretales. Decretales [??], Casus decretalium [??] Note: If there is missing text, it may be that this is a copy of the _Casus decretalium_ (see above SAL1294D1118-2). Perhaps it is simply another copy of Gregory's Decretales. This is the end of the catalogue. The bibliography will follow, hopefully in a few days. John Dagenais Dept. of Hispanic Studies Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208