SALAMAN1.CAT 9PP:39K BOOKS AND LIBRARIES IN SALAMANCA (1240-1300) John Dagenais Richard S. Gardner William D. McHugh Northwestern University The following is a pilot piece for an ongoing project en- titled "Books and Libraries in the Crown of Castille and Navarra (711-1550)." Though this working title suggests some anachron- isms, it seems a bit more convenient than alternative titles such as "Books and Libraries West of Aragn and East of Portugal (711- 1550)." The jumping off point for this project is Charles Faulhaber's _Libros y bibliotecas en la Espa\~na medieval_ (London: Grant & Cutler, 1987). Faulhaber's book provides a bibliography of sources for information on books in medieval Spain. In this project we seek to identify books whose existence in Christian Spain in the period in question can be documented through wills, donations, inventories, and other sources, using, in most cases, the editions cited in Faulhaber's bibliography. In the case of extensive inventories, many of them badly edited in previous published editions, it is our intention to re-edit from original documents wherever possible. Three of the documents in the present selection are newly edited from microfilm here. We will also check originals in the case of questionable or potentially ambiguous items. And we are always on the lookout for new document sources. This is part of the reason we have wanted to publish this preliminary list on ESPORA- L. Our hope is that list memebers will be able to point us to new documents. We have used DataPerfect software in setting up our full database and in generating this text (along with WordPerfect 4.2). The final printed version will include numerous indices: place-date; date-place; author; title; book descriptor terminology; purpose of gifts; professions of owners, etc. We hope, eventually, to be able to make the entire database available in machine-readable form and to allow users to generate charts and graphs for place/date distributions of individual or multiple items of their own choosing. NORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF THE CATALOGUE We have had to make several arbitrary decisions in assigning numbers to the items in the inventory. In all cases we have numbered as a separate _item_ whenever the word "item" occurs, even when several works follow. These works are each given an individual letter: 104a. In cases in which several works are listed together without the "item" identifier, we have given a single item number to works which seemed to be grouped together by the language of the inventory and then given individual letters to each work. There are numerous cases in which it is by no means obvious where such divisions should be made. But we have wished to preserve the structure of the original inventory (and, inevitably, along with it, its insoluable ambiguities) as much as possible. In identifying Biblical books and commentaries we have fol- lowed these procedures: when an entry uses a term such as "su- per" followed by a book of the Bible, we have identified this as a "commentary" in the Categories and Notes field. It should be understood that a Biblical text was probably included in some form in this commentary. When no word such as "super" or "expo- sicion" occurs, we identify the item with the Biblical book it- self. This does not rule out the possibility that the Biblical book bore glosses. A unique identifying number is assigned to each document. The basic format is: |3-letter place abbreviation| |year, if known| |whether the date is a specified date or a range of possible dates {D or R}| |the month and the day, for fixed dates; the ending year for a range| |alphabetic field reserved for duplicate dates|. In the final numeric field, 00 means month or day is unkown. Thus "SAL1240R1240" means "Salamanca, sometime during the year 1240." "SAL1264D0321" means "Salamanca, March 21, 1264." In this ASCII version, manuscript abbreviations in the newly edited texts are surrounded by underline characters. In the printed verion, document numbers and all direct quotations from the documents themselves appear in bold face. I have not attempted to indicate that here. I believe that our method for indicating accent marks is fairly straightforward. Simply as a convenient way of standardizing our main entries, we have used LC versions of author's names. This occasionally leads to some surprising forms, e.g., Azzo. |?| represents general doubts among scholars concerning dates, identifications, attributions. |??| signifies the present editors' doubts concerning identificatinos or transcriptions. We would be most grateful for help and suggestions of any kind: format, readability, scope. We would be especially grate- ful for corrections to the information listed here as well as for help in identifying items which we have not been able to indenti- fy. Legal and liturgical books have proved especially problemat- ic. This is where we need the most help at present. We would also appreciate references to published sources of documents which may have appeared since Faulhaber's bibliography, as well as to document sources which may have been overlooked so far. I wish to thank Charles Faulhaber for his many helpful suggestions at the time of this project's inception. I would also like to thank James A. Brundage for his gracious help with identifying problematic legal texts. The errors which remain are our own. John Dagenais Dept. of Hispanic Studies 1859 Sheridan Rd. Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208-2202 SAL1240R1240 City: Salamanca Date: 1240 Document Type: Will Owner: Petrus Title: salamantinus cantor Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 1, no. 20 (1240). Editions: Beltr\'an de Heredia, Cartulario 1:598 (frags.) Mart\'in Mart\'in, Documentos 282-85 |#198| Total Items: 3 Total Works: 8 Total Volumes: 8 Quia nichil incertius hora mortis nichilque certius morte, ideo ego magister P., salamantinus cantor, in meo pleno sensu et integra memoria, bono animo et spontanea voluntate in hac mihi parte cupiens providere meum duxi conficere ob anime mee et parentum meorum remedium testamentum...Actum est hoc in ecclesia Sancti Iohannis del Blanco, sub era Ma CCa LXXa VIIa... Item entries: 1 Item lego magistro Tiburcio Decretum Gratian (?-ca.1150), Decretum Gratiani |ca.1140|. 2 Item Salterium Glossatum monasterio Sancti Facundi 3 A Item Digestum Vetus et Digestum Novum, Codicem, Inforciatum et Summa |1| Azonis et Libellum Institucionum, relinquo in manu prioris et conventus Sancti Iohannis predicatorum, ut ipsi de eis desponant prout secundum Dominum viderint expedire. |1| Beltr\'an: Summam Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Digestum Vetus |=Digestum lib. 1-24.2| |533|. 3 B Item...Digestum Novum.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Digestum Novum |=Digestum lib. 39-50| |533|. 3 C Item...Codicem.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Codex |529/534|. 3 D Item...Inforciatum.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Infortiatum |=Digestum lib. 24.3-38| |533| 3 E Item...Summa Azonis.... Azzo of Bologna (ca. 1150-1220), Summa Azonis |1208-10| 3 F Item...Libellum Institucionum.... Azzo of Bologna (ca. 1150-1220) |?|, Summa Institutionum |1208- 10| |?| Note: For a a copy of the Summa Institutionum by Azzo in Spain see Garcia/Gonzalvez, Catalogo de los manuscritos juridicos medievales de la catedral de Toledo 145 ff. END OF FIRST INSTALLMENT SAL1264D0321 City: Salamanca Date: 1264-03-21 Document Type: Will Owner: A|lfonso| Pet|ri| |v. #267| Title: archidiaconus salamantinus Documents: Madrid, AHN, Clero,Sal.,Cat., Carp. 1884,n5 (1264-03-21) Salamanca, ACS, caj., 45, leg. 1, no. 42 (1526), fols. 149-53 Editions: Beltr\'an de Heredia, Cartulario 1:610 (frags.) Mart\'in Ma, Documentos 394-96 |#303| Total Items: 1 Total Works: 8 Ego A. Pet., archidiaconus salamantinus, sanus mente licet eger corpore volens per nuncupationem concedere |1| testamentum...Acta sunt hec Salmantica, |2| XII kalendas aprilis, anno Domini millessimo CCo LXo quarto. |1| Beltr\'an: condere |2| Beltr\'an: Salmanticae Item entries: 1 A Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense |1| C morabitinos et omnes libros meos, videlicet, Decretales, Digestum Vetus, Codicem, Digestum Novum et Institutam, Grosatos de Accursii |2| et Casus Legum supra |3| quibusdam libris legalibus et casus decretorum et domos meas quas abeo in Villa Maiori |4|. Et volo et mando...ita tamen quod possessiones illas et libros predictos omnes et domos predictas teneat Fernandus Martini, nepos meus, in vita sua et inserit (?) singulis annis solvat capitulo predicto pro aniversario meo X solidos legionensis monete pensionis, et in morte sua relinquat omnia omnia (sic) supradicta sub eadem pensione alicui consanguineo meo clerico memorate de genere nostro solvenda capitulo memorato. Et idem insequentibus eiusdem successoribus servari volo. |1| Beltr\'an: Mindoniensi |2| Beltr\'an: Grosacus de Apparatum Accursii |3| Beltr\'an: super |4| Beltr\'an: Vallamajori Gregory IX, Pope (ca.1170-1241), Decretales |ca. 1234| 1 B Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Digestum Vetus.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Digestum Vetus |=Digestum lib. 1-24.2| |533| 1 C Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Codicem.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Codex |529/534| 1 D Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Digestum Novum.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Digestum Novum |=Digestum lib. 39-50| |533|. 1 E Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Institutam.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Institutiones |533|. 1 F Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Grosatos de Accursii.... Accursius (ca. 1185-1263), Glosses of Accursius (bef. 1263) Accursius wrote glosses on all parts of the _Corpus iuris civilis_. This and the preceding five items (1B-1E) may all have been texts of the Civil law bearing Accursius's glosses. 1 G Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...Casus Legum supra quibusdam libris legalibus.... Casus legum Unable to identify. 1 H Item lego capitulo ecclesie Minduniense...casus decretorum.... Benencasa (d. 1206), Casus decreti (bef. 1206). The text by Bartolom\'e de Brescia (d. 1258) |?|, Casus decretorum (bef. 1258) |?|, is also a possibility. It would have had to travel to Salamanca in six years; certainly not out of the question. But Alfonsus Petrus is a well- established and probably elderly man, and it seems more likely that his collection would have included less recent texts. SAL1267D0121 City: Salamanca Date: 1267-1-21 Document Type: Will Owner: Dominicus Title: salamantinus episcopus Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 1, no. 33 (1267-01-21) Salamanca, ACS, caj. 45, leg. 1, n. 41 (??), fols. 98-106 Editions: On\'is y S\'anchez, Contribuci\'on 66-73 Beltr\'an de Heredia, Cartulario 1:617-18 (frags.) Mart\'in Mart\'in, Documentos 407-412 |#315| Total Items: 7 Total Works: 12 Cum nichil sit certius morte, nichil incertius hora mortis, idcirco ego Dominicus, miseratione divina salamantinus episcopus, in meo pleno sensu et in mea memoria ob remedium anime mee et parentum meorum et benefactorum, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum...Fecha la carta esta deste testamento en Salamanca en el pala\,co del obispo en lo sobrado, en la presentia de las testimonias de suso scriptas et delantre elles leuda et del bispo, et otorgada del bispo en el dia de San Ildefonso, X dias por andar del mes de yanero, en la era de mil et CCC et V annos. Item entries: 1 A Item, mando a Iohan |Dominguez manchorro? mentioned in preceding phrase| las mias Decretales et la Summa super iure canonico, et la Estituta et los otros libros menudos. Gregory IX, Pope (ca.1170-1241), Decretales |ca. 1234|. 1 B Item, mando a Summa super iure canonico.... Summa super iure canonico. Unable to identify. 1 C Item, mando a Estituta.... |Beltr\'an: Escritura| Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Institutiones |533|. 1 D Item, mando a Iohan...los otros libros menudos. los otros libros menudos 2 Al monasterio de San Iohan da ponte da Ulya I libro que chaman Sicardo Sicardus of Cremona (ca. 1150-1215) |??|, Summa decretorum |1179-81| |??| The Summa Decretorum is the major legal work written by Sicardus of Cremona. Assuming that "Sicardo" refers to "a book written by Sicardus of Cremona" and that, in the context of this will, it is a legal book which is referred to, we make this tentative identification. 3 Ytem, mando los meus libros novos de la capiela a la elgresia de San Martin del Castanyal los meus libros novos de la capiela 4 Et mando que los C morabetinos que mandey a la terra dultramar que los ayan pelos libros de la theologia que iazen en la archa que se |es?| en la casa del tesorero, et se el Cabildo non quisier pagar logo estos morabetinos mando que los yecten en pennos et que los paguen logo. los libros de la theologia 5 Et mando que lo descreto |?| |1| que ten maestre Rodrigo por LX et VII morabetinos menos ter\,ca |2| que lo quiten pelo pan de San Pelayo |1| Beltr\'an: Decreto |2| Beltr\'an: nuevos Gratian (?-ca.1150) |??|, Decretum Gratiani |ca.1140| |??|. 6 A Et mando a Aras Rodriguez I Codigo et I Esforzado...que los tengan en su vida et a su morte que los deyxen a la yglesia de Sancta Maria Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Codex |529/534|. 6 B Et mando a Aras Rodriguez...I Esforzado.... Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Infortiatum |=Digestum lib. 24.3-38| |533|. 7 A Et |mando| a Nuno Rodriguez I Digesto novo et I Summa de Azo que los tengan en su vida et a su morte que los deyxen a la yglesia de Sancta Maria Justinian I-Emperor of the East (438-565), Digestum Novum |=Digestum lib. 39-50| |533|. 7 B Et |mando| a Nuno Rodriguez...I Summa de Azo.... Azzo of Bologna (ca. 1150-1220), Summa Azonis |1208-10| SAL1273D0205 City: Salamanca Date: 1273-2-5 Document Type: Will Owner: Aparicius Title: cantor ecclesie salamantine Documents: Salamanca, ACS, caj. 20, leg. 3, no. 34 (1273-02-05). Editions: Beltr\'an de Heredia, Cartulario 1:622 |frags.| Mart\'in Mart\'in, Documentos 430-32 |#334| Total Items: 3 Total Works: 3 Quia nil certius morte et nichil incertius hora mortis, ideo ego Aparicius, cantor ecclesie salamantine, licet infirmus corpore, sanus tamen mente, de bonis meis volui condere |testamentum Beltr\'an|....Actum est hoc Salamantice, in domo ipsius cantoris, anno ab Incarnatione Domini Mo CCo LXXo tercio, nonas februarii, quasi media nocte, indictione prima Item entries: 1 A Item lego Velasco, nepoti meo, Decretales meas cum Apparatu Gregory IX, Pope (ca.1170-1241), Decretales |ca. 1234|. 1 B Item lego Velasco, nepoti meo, Decretales meas cum Apparatu Bernard of Parma (ca.1200-1266), Apparatus glossarum |1263|. 2 Item lego Decretales meas sine Apparatu Michaeli Petri, nepoti meo Gregory IX, Pope (ca.1170-1241), Decretales |ca. 1234| 3 Et pro hiis omnibus et singulis adimplendis mando quod Sancto Michaele de Asperoes |??|...ita quod ab instanti festo Resurrectionis Domini usque ad annum, predicta omnia debita et legata sint plenarie persoluta libri E N D O F N O T E