

Thomas F. Glick, Editor

Volume 1, No. 5

APRIL 5, 1971

THE SOCIETY FOR SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE HISTORICAL STUDIES was founded in April, 1969, to promote research in the fields of Spanish and Portuguese History. Members of the Executive Committee are Professors Carlos Blanco-Aguinaga (University of California at San Diego), Francis A. Dutra (University of California at Santa Barbara), Thomas F. Glick (University of Texas), Clara E. Lida (Wesleyan University), Edward Malefakis (Northwestern University), Juan Marichal (Harvard University), Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz (New York University) and Iris M. Zavala (State University of New York at Stony Brook).


The Society's second annual conference will be held on April 17 and 18 at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, Long Island. The registration fee for non-members of the Society is $7.50 (including cocktails and dinner on April 17). Members will be charged $5.00 for cocktails and dinner. The fee for non-members not interested in attending the dinner is $2.50. The Conference is sponsored by the State University of New York, and the Departments of History, Romance Languages, American Studies and the Colonial Institute at Stony Brook.


SATURDAY, April 17, 1971: 1 p.m. -- 5 p.m.

A. The Eighteenth Century: Spain and Portugal.

[2] C. Modern Economic History SATURDAY, April 17, 1971: 6 p.m. -- 7 p.m.
Cocktail Party

SATURDAY, April 17, 1971: 7 p.m. -- 8:30 p.m.

C. Guest Speaker

SUNDAY, April 18, 1971: 9 a.m. -- Noon

D. Political Development and Class Conflict in Modern Spain

[3] SUNDAY, April 18, 1971: 1 p.m. -- 5 p.m.

E. Contributed Papers

F. Business Meeting (Members Only)



The Society's featured speaker at the Second Annual Conference is an internationally respected authority on the economic and social history of early modern and modern Spain. He is presently professor at the Sorbonne and Director of the Institut d'Histoire Economique et Sociale of the Faculty of Human Letters and Sciences of Paris. He is best known for his three-volume work, La Catalogne dans l'Espagne moderne (1962) and for his short History of Spain, as well as for numerous monographic articles.


Workshop on Modern Spain, 1808-1971, sponsored by the Council for European Studies, will be held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, June 7-12, 1971. Senior Research Scholars in attendance will include Ricardo de la Cierva, Edward Malefakis, Stanley Payne and Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz (History); Juan Linz, Amando de Miguel, and David Chaplin (Sociology); Julio Caro Baroja (Anthropology): and Charles Anderson (Political Science).

The workshop on Modern Spain, first of a series of workshops on research problems and areas in modern Europe to be sponsored by the inter-university Council for European Studies, is designed to provide specialized orientation and training for doctoral candidates who will soon be or are planning to undertake research in Spain. It will be directed by the nine senior scholars listed above, who will supervise individual sessions devoted to major problems and aspects of each discipline and field involved. Equal attention will also be given to strategies of interdisciplinary research and comparative projects. The emphasis will be on research opportunities, sources and methodological problems, with particular attention to possible research designs and difficulties in both conceptualization and field research. Special stress will also be given to the development of comparative studies of aspects of modernization and change in Spain and other countries. Consequently, dissertation students working in other areas of southern or western Europe or Latin America are also encouraged to attend in order to benefit from this study and to contribute their own perspectives. Junior faculty in attendance will also discuss their own research, and students about to initiate field research in Spain will have an opportunity to present their own research designs and projects for discussion by the group. There will be ample opportunity for individual consultation between students and senior scholars.


While especially geared for the benefit of dissertation students, the Workshop is also designed to stimulate research on modern Spain and comparative topics on all levels in and between the various disciplines represented. Hence all interested faculty are also urged to attend the Workshop, though it will not be possible to pay the expenses of those who come, since expense grants will be limited to graduate students. However, those faculty who will be able to come and wish that reservations be made for them in accommodations at moderate prices should write to Professor Stanley Payne.

Student Expense Grants. Approximately fifteen grants will be available for graduate students. Applications need not be limited to students planning dissertation research on exclusively Spanish topics, for those working in a comparative area will also be considered.

Applicants should write a letter no later than May 1 explaining their background, training and the topic and nature of their proposed research. In addition, the student's major advisor must also send a letter of recommendation in support of the application. Preference will be given to those on the verge of beginning field research. All correspondence should be directed to: Professor Stanley Payne, 3211 Humanities Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.


A Conference on the Comparative Reception of Darwinism, sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin and the American Council of Learned Societies, will be held in Austin, Texas, on April 21 and 22, 1972. The Conference will examine the reception of evolutionary biology in comparative perspective in various countries including England, the United States, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, the Islamic World and Japan. In addition to the monographic papers on the national cases, comparative papers will also be presented, analizing the national cases from a variety of perspectives.

If any member of the SSPHS is interested in presenting a paper on the reception of Darwinism in Portugal, please contact Thomas F. Glick, Department of History, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, with all deliberate speed.


Our English counterpart is an informal society of teachers and re-


search workers in Spanish and Portuguese social studies, at universities, colleges, public and private institutions. ISSA's fields of interest include economics, politics, geography, history, sociology and anthropology. Work in Spanish and Portuguese language and literature is not a concern of the Association--except where there is some specific social connotation--since these interests are already catered for by existing societies; Spanish and Portuguese Africa are included in ISSA's sphere, but not Latin America, except where there is an obvious connection.

ISSA's Fourth Annual Conference was held at the University of Southhampton, April 15-18, 1971. The following papers were among those scheduled: Manuel Ferrer Regales (University of Navarre), "Urbanization in Spain, with Particular Reference to Greater Bilbao"; R. Phillip Jones (University of Keele),"Internal Migration in Spain" (see SSPHS Dissertation Inventory #31); Morales Lezcano (University of La Laguna, Tenerife), "British Investment in the Canary Islands: 1850-1914"; James Chandler (University of Keele), "Spanish Morocco - the Anual Disaster and the Picasso Report"; Richard A. H. Robinson (University of Birmingham). "The Place of the Monarchy in Modern Spain."


The JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY has been created to serve the kinds of professional needs which were suggested by the Times Literary Supplement's series on "New Ways in History." These needs are now poorly served, if at all, by periodicals in the English language. The JOURNAL will publish articles, research notes, and review essays which stimulate new approaches to the study of the past. In recent years, the application of the methodologies of related disciplines such as anthropology, economics, sociology, end political science has contributed significantly to historical inquiry. Yet too often the results of these innovative researches are published in places or in forms which are not readily accessible to historians. It is this situation which the JOURNAL will remedy.

In an effort to attain this end, the scope of the JOURNAL will cover a wide range. No artificial geographical or chronological limits will be set; indeed, the JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY will encourage and promote the interchange of ideas across the usual geographical and chronological boundaries. Articles will be concerned with or draw upon the methodology of the behaviora1 and social sciences, the humanities and the natural sciences. The insights gained from different viewpoints can and should stimulate historians to look freshly at their own subjects, whether derived from psychology, the history of art, physics, or archaeology. The


JOURNAL will keep historians abreast of advances in these and other fields. Such contacts are still too restricted and often too rudimentary, and their advancement, which can contribute so much to the study of man's past, will be the JOURNAL's prime concern.

The JOURNAL will encourage the use of new methods and techniques in contexts of interest to historians from a variety of traditions. The emphasis will be on two kinds of articles: methodological contributions which discuss techniques of potential use either in research or in the analysis of actual problems, and substantive essays which report the results of work of a broadly interdisciplinary nature.

The JOURNAL, edited by Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb, is published by the MIT Press, 28 Carleton Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142. The first number appeared in Fall, 1970.


The Editor reports that No. 2, featuring Gabriel Jackson's article, "The Living Experience of the Spanish Civil War Collectives," is now back in print. Copies of #2, #3 and #4 are available at the cost of 30¢ in stamps, from the Editor, Department of History, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712.

The Editor earnestly invites members to submit short articles, research notes, archival reports, bibliographical essays, and news of a personal or institutional nature for publication in the Newsletter. The raison d'etre of the Newsletter is the dissemination of information, but we are only as good as our sources.


The CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AT FULLERTON sponsors a summer session in Barcelona from June 21 to July 30, 1971, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. For details write: Professor Warren A. Beck, Department of History, California State College, Fullerton, California 92631.

The SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY-IN-SPAIN Program in Madrid, which enrolls about forty students, is the only American university program abroad which offers graduate work toward a Master's degree in History, Spanish, and Ibero-American Studies. Further, information is available from: Center of Ibero-American


Civilization, Southern Methodist University, P. O. Box 999, Dallas Texas 75222.

The UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Seminar in Median and Minor Romance Languages is offering a summer course in Catalan at Sant Joan de les Abadesses from August 2 to August 18, 1971. For information and application forms write to: Professor Frederick W. Vogler, Department of Romance Languages, Dey Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514.


The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a grant to ROBERT I. BURNS of the University of San Francisco to cover the 1971 reconnaissance and organizational phases of his current project in medieval Valencian history, "Islamic-Christian Confrontation" The American Council of Learned Societies has given a fellowship for 1972 to support the second phase of the project, "The Mechanics of Civil Reconstruction." The Princeton Institute for Advanced Study has conferred membership for 1972. Professor Burns' paper, delivered at the SSPHS first annual meeting, at Wesleyan University in April 1971, is scheduled for publication in the Catholic Historical Review under the title, "Renegades, Adventurers, and Sharp Businessmen: the 13th-Century Spaniard in the Cause of Islam." Its counterpart, "Islamic-Christian Confrontation, the Dream of Conversion in the 13th-Century West," will appear in the AHR.

The Robertson Prize of the Conference on Latin American History has been awarded to DAVID R. RINGROSE for his article, "Carting in the Hispanic World: An Example of Divergent Development," which appeared in the Hispanic American Historical Review, 50 (1970), 30- 51. The burden of the argument is that early modern Castile, Mexico and Argentina all presented large land masses requiring overland transport for all commerce. All three had the same traditions of wheeled technology and transport organization. Yet during the pre- industrial period three distinctive systems of cart transport evolved. The article examines the economic context of each region to explain the divergent development observed and to suggest the degree to which the limitations of such transport acted as an immediate cause of economic stagnation or decline.


Nuria Sales de Bohigas, Historia dels Mossos d'Esquadra.


La dinastia Veciana i la policia catalana del segle XVIII, Editorial Aedos: Barcelona, 1962.

.... Uma Devassa do Bispo Dom Pedro da Silva, 1635-1637, Introdução de Anita Novinski, Anais do Museu Paulista: Sao Paulo, 1968.


The following doctoral dissertations are currently in progress under the direction of the professor whose name is indicated after that of the institution. The estimated date of completion is indicated in parentheses.

Florida State University (Earl R. Beck)

Saint Louis University (José M. Sánchez) University of Keele, England (John Naylon, Department of Geography) Yale University (Juan J. Linz, Department of Sociology)




Professor Clara E. Lida
General Secretary
Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
Department of History
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Name ______________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

University affiliation (Regular and student members) ___________________________________________________

*Checks are payable to SSPHS