Preliminary Program
35th Annual Meeting
The Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Thursday, April 1st

Welcome Reception
Doubletree Westwood 5:30pm-7:30pm

Conference Registration Table

Friday, April 2nd

Conference Registration Table will be in front of the Public Policy Building on UCLA's campus ( F/G 3 on map )


#1 Constructing the Conquered and the Conqueror (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair, Renato Barahona, University of Illinois, Chicago
-Luna Nájera, Cornell University, "The Failure to Persuade: El Inca Garcilaso's Critique of the Culture of the Spanish Conquest. "
-Matthew Crawford, University of California, San Diego " The Relaciones Geográficas (1579-1586) and Making Knowledge of the New World in Sixteenth-Century Spain."
-Jenny Jordan, University of California, Los Angeles, " Imagined Lepanto: Turks, Apocalypse, Chivalry and Mapbooks in the Construction of 1571. "
-Benita Sampedro, Hofstra University, "Violent Voyages: from the Gulf of Guinea to the Americas and Back."
Comment: The Audience

#2 España e Italia: dos siglos de miradas recíprocas, influencias y ejemplos (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair: Marla Stone, Occidental College
-Vittorio Scotti Douglas, Università di Trieste, “ La España de la Guerra de la Independencia: sueño y ejemplo por los patriotas italianos a comienzos del Risorgimento (1815-1830) .”
-Alfonso Botti, Università di Urbino, “Franquismo y fascismo: una mirada recíproca.”
-Marco Cipolloni, Università di Modena, “El país de la violencia. La imagen de España en el cine italiano (1940-2000) .”
Comment:  Marla Stone, Occidental College

#3 Music and Meaning in New Spain (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair: John Dagenais, UCLA
-Oscar Mazín
, Centro de Estudios Históricos, El Colegio de México, and John Koegel, California State University, Fullerton, “Musical Life in the Cathedrals in New Spain: The Capilla Musical of Valladolid de Michoacán.”
Comment: Audience


#4 Politics and Policy Inside the Franco Regime (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
Chair:  Michael Richards, University of the West of England
-Isabelle Rohr, London School of Economics, "From antisemitism to opportunistic rapprochement: Franco’s Spain and the Jews of Morocco (1936-1945).
-Rainer Lutz Bauer, California State University, Hayward, " Local Politics and the Rise of Francoism in Rural Galicia."
-Aurora G. Morcillo, Florida International University, " Listen to her. Women’s disembodied Sex Stories."
Comment: Michael Richards, University of the West of England

#5 Imaging Sanctity in the Seventeenth Century (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair: David Coleman, Eastern Kentucky University
-Daniel Berenberg, University of California, San Diego, " Austere Rules and Prodigious Miracles: Sor Francisca Dorotea and the Meaning of Sanctity in Seventeenth-Century Seville."
-Eloina Villegas Tenorio, University of Colorado at Boulder, "María de San José: Religious Vocation in Rural Colonial Mexico ."
-Erin Kathleen Rowe, The Johns Hopkins University, "Pen, Distaff, Fire, and Sword: Imagining Teresa de Jesús, 1614-1630 ."
-Tanya Tiffany, Southern Methodist University, "Gender and Holiness in Velázquez’s Mother Jerónima de la Fuente ."
Comment: David Coleman, Eastern Kentucky University

#6 Spaniards on the Pacific Ocean: Research in Early Modern Records (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair: Francis Dutra, University of California - Santa Barbara
-James B. Tueller, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, " Antonio de Ayigi: Peripheral Chamorro of Guam and Model Christian. "
-Scott Christley, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, " The Pacific Coasts of Costa Rica: A Little Known Spanish Colonial Place. "
-Walter Brem, The Bancroft Library, "Pacific Studies and the Spanish Empire: Traditional and New Sources of Research Documentation. "
-Fabio López-Lázaro, Santa Clara University, " Pirates Of The Pacific: A 1690 Imperialist Reaction To Non-Spanish Incursions Into The South Seas."
Comment: Francis Dutra, University of California - Santa Barbara

#7  Reconstructing Lost Works of Spanish Medieval Architecture (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair: Therese Martin, University of Arizona
-John Williams, University of Pittsburgh (emeritus), " Uncovering the Past at Santiago de Compostela: the Romanesque Facades "
-Therese Martin, University of Arizona."Secular Architecture and Urban Power in the Palace at San Isidoro, León."
-José Luis Senra, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. "Silos and the Monarchy: Sacred and Profane Space"
Commentator: James D'Emilio, University of South Florida.

Lunch and Free Time

1:00-2:30 pm
Viewing of the Virtual Reality Romanesque Cathedral and Town of Santiago de Compostela (UCLA Visualization Portal, 5628 Math Sciences Building )
-John Dagenais, UCLA (The project is supported by the UCLA Cultural VR Lab and Academic Technology Services)

History Department Conference Room, Bunche Hall, Room 6275 (**NOTE: This is a location change**)
1:45-3:05 pm
The Relevance of Spanish History, I: Conflict, Crusade and Convivencia

-James D'Emilio (moderator) (University of South Florida)
-Simon Doubleday (Hofstra University)
-Barry Mark (Graduate Theological Union/University of California, Berkeley)
-Mary Elizabeth Perry (UCLA/Occidental College)  

3:15-4:35 pm
The Relevance of Spanish History, II: The Lessons of Spanish Imperialism

-Joseba Gabilondo (moderator) (Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada/Reno)
-Margaret Greer (Duke University)
-Pilar Ryan (United States Military Academy, West Point)
-Christopher Schmidt-Nowara (Fordham University)

5:30-7:00 pm -- THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM
Drawing and Print Exhibition, Window onto Spain: Drawings and Prints from Ribera to Goya .
***Please bring your conference badge with you***

The Getty will be open until 9:00pm and you are free to remain after the reception to view the Getty's collections, the Garden, or to enjoy dinner in their restaurant.  Reservations for the restaurant are recommended and information is contained in your conference materials.
Buses begin departing for the Getty at 4:00 pm and will run through 5:30 pm.  Please keep in mind it takes roughly 15-20 minutes to arrive at the Getty and roughly 15 minutes to take the tram to the top of the Hill upon arrival.
Buses will return to the Doubletree Hotel starting at 6:30pm, and running through 8:00pm.  Taxis are available and you can discuss with the Doubletree the possibility of having their own van come to pick you up as well.

Saturday, April 3rd


#8 Illusions, Food and Death: Illustration and Meaning in Spanish Art and Architecture (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair: Therese Martin, University of Arizona
-Margarita Tascón González, Universidad de León, "Pictorials of Food Representations: An Examination of the Paintings from the Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro of Leon
-Lora Ann Sigler, California State University, Long Beach, "Oh Lord I’m on My Way: The Evolution of Spanish Tomb Sculpture and the French Connection"
-Shelley Roff, The University of Texas at San Antonio, " Constructing Illusions of Prosperity: The Cityscapes of Early Modern Barcelona "
Comment: Therese Martin, University of Arizona

#9 (Re)Presenting Gender in Early Modern Spain (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair: Kathleen Kish, San Diego State University
-Michelle Herder, New College of Florida, "Substitute or Subordinate? Introducing a Male Administrator at a Catalan Women’s Monastery "
-Darlene Múzquiz-Guerreiro, San Diego State University, " Symbolic Inversions in Angela de Azevedo’s El Muerto disimulado. "
-Mary Blythe Daniels, Centre College, "Oppressing the Exotic Other: Actresses and Autoras in the Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theater. "
-Comment:  Kathleen Kish, San Diego State University

#10 Defining Spaniards during the Democratic Transition (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
Chair: George Esenwein, University of Florida
-Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego, " Citizenship and the Transition to Democracy"
-Pilar Ortuño-Anaya, Georgetown University, "The Ford Administration and the Spanish Democratic Transition"
-Hamilton Stapell, University of California, San Diego, " Madrid and the 'Movida Madrileña': National and Regional Identity in the Center, 1979-1992"
Comment: Marco Cipolloni, Università di Modena

#11 Retaining Identities Outside the Metropole (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair: Charlene Villaseñor-Black, UCLA
-Kevin Sheehan, University of California, Berkeley, “Ambivalent Allies: The Spanish and Portuguese in the Moluccas, 1580-1640.
-Bill McCarthy, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, “ Retaining cultural identity in a commercial metropolis: the 16th century Portuguese community at Antwerp
-Gayle Brunelle, California State University, Fullerton, " Language and Diaspora: Iberians in early Modern France"
-Pavel Stepanek, Palacky University, Czech Republic, “ Linking Two Parts of Europe: Spanish Portraits in Bohemia
Comment: Charlene Villaseñor-Black, UCLA


#12 Interpreting the Spanish Civil War Through Historiography and Personal Experience (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair:  Judith Keene, University of Sydney
-Tim Rees, University of Exeter, "Explaining Defeat: the Communist Interpretation of the Civil War."
-Philip Minehan, University of California, Irvine, "Domestic and International Aspects of the Spanish, Yugoslav and Greek Civil Wars, 1936-1949: A Historiographical View."
-George Esenwein, University of Florida, Gainesville, "The Cold War and Anglo-American Historiography of the Spanish Civil War.
-Michael O'Shaughnessy, University of Auckland, "After Spain: transitions from experience to memory."
Comment: Judith Keene, University of Sydney

#13 The Medieval Crown of Aragon (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair: Robert Burns, UCLA
-Christopher Davis, Santa Monica College, “Aragon and its role in the anti-Almohad campaigns.”
-Larry Simon, Western Michigan University, "Towards a Prosopography of Post-Conquest Mallorca’s Cathedral Chapter: the 1276 Will and Notarial Documents of Master Joan.”
-Gregory Milton, UCLA, "Forming a “Community of Priests”: Notaries, Clerics and Scribes in Fourteenth-Century Catalonia.
-Mike Ryan, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,  “ The Great Equalizer: A 15th-Century Catalan Dança de Mort and its Historical Context in the Court of Ferdinand."
Comment: Robert Burns, UCLA

#14 Mozarabs, Conversos and Moriscos (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
Chair:  Ken Wolf, Pomona College
-Diego Olstein, Boston College, "Being Arabized and Christian in Post-Conquest (1085-1315) Toledo: Mozarabs’ Revisionism Revised "
-Moisés Orfali, Bar-Ilan University, "A Thousand Hurtful Anguishes: the Converso Path to Social Integration."
-David Graizbord, University of Arizona, "“Jewish” Transients among Conversos in Seventeeth-Century Spain: The Case of Maestros Dogmatizadores ."
-Cristina Guardiola, University of Delaware, "The Morica garrida legend and its Sixteenth century Morisco context."
Comment: Ken Wolf, Pomona College

Plenary Lunch
UCLA History Department Lounge and Conference Room
Bunche Hall, 6th Floor


#15 Violence and/or Resistance in Early Modern Spain (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair: Renato Barahona, University of Illinois, Chicago
-Xavier Gil, Universitat de Barcelona, "Apaciguar alborotos y disensiones: modas de evitar revueltas según los escritores políticos españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII."
-Teo Ruiz, UCLA, "The Case of Pina: The Workings of Violence in Early Modern Spain.”
-Jack Owens, Idaho State University, "Almansa, 1565: Den of a Mafia, Anti-Habsburg Resistance Fighters, Feuding Noble Bands, or What? "
-Comment: Renato Barahona, University of Illinois, Chicago

#16 Portugal in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair: Francis A. Dutra, University of California, Santa Barbara
-Francis A. Dutra, UCSB, "Sodomy and the Portuguese Overseas Councillor: The Case of Don Filipe de Moura"
-Monique Vallance, University of California, Santa Barbara, " D. Luisa de Gusmão, Regent of Portugal (1656-1662): The Woman Who Saved Portuguese Independence."
-Bill Donovan, Loyola College, "Lisbon before the 1755 Earthquake ."
Comment: The Audience

ROUNDTABLE #3 (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
The Relevance of Spanish History, III: Reflections on the Franco Era and Beyond
-Joshua Goode (Occidental College)
-Geoff Jensen (University of Southern Mississippi)
-Judith Keene (moderator) (University of Sydney)   
-Michael Richards (University of the West of England)
-Michael Ugarte (University of Missouri)

Business Meeting
UCLA History Department Conference

Plenary Banquet Dinner
Plenary Address: Father Robert Burns
Doubletree Westwood Ballroom

Sunday, April 4th
(Daylight Savings Time begins!)


#16 The Search for Legitimacy (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair, Paul Hiltpold, California Polytechnic State University
-Travis Bruce, “Medieval Legitimacy as a Motivating Factor in the Politics of Eleventh-Century Spain
-Bryan Givens, UCLA, "The Case of Balthasar Gonçalves: Re-examining the Origins of Sebastianismo"
-Jose Valente, California Polytechnic State University, " Life after death: the “survival” of the Templar Knights in Portugal "
Comment:  Paul Hiltpold, California Polytechnic State University

#17 Conspicuous and Inconspicuous Women in early Modern Spain . (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair, Helen Nader, University of Arizona
-Stepanie Fink de Backer, Arizona State University West, “ Conspicuous Consumption in Early Modern Castile: the Social and Cultural Power of the Widow-Headed Household.”
-Lisa Vollendorf, Wayne State University, “Women, Sex, and Violence in early Modern Spain.”
-David Jack Norton, University of Minnesota, "What's Mine is Mine: Women, Labor, and the Courts in Early Modern Valladolid."
Comment: Helen Nader, University of Arizona

#18 Culture Wars on Many Fronts (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
Chair, Charles Fleener, St. Louis University
-Daniel Stuber, University of California, San Diego, “ Our Folklore and our Patrimony”: Flamenco and the Creation of an Autonomous Andalusia "
-José G. Vargas-Hernández, Universidad de Guadalajara, “Algunos Mitos, Estereotipos, Realidades y Retos de Latinoamérica .”
-Ana Varela-Lago, University of California, San Diego, " Columbus Day or Día de la Raza? Spanish Ethnicity in the United States and the Fight over Columbus and the Columbian Heritage".
Comment: Charles Fleener, St. Louis University


#19 Tensions between Monarch and his Officials (Public Policy Building, Room 2319)
Chair: Kevin Terraciano, University of California, Los Angeles
-Aurelio Espinosa, University of Arizona, "The Development of Local and Royal Authority: President Tavera’s “Política para Corregidores' "
-Yanna Yannakakis, Montana State University, “Performing for Two Audiences: Indigenous Intermediaries and the Negotiation of Political Legitimacy in Colonial Oaxaca."
-Michael Crawford, University of Arizona, “The Politics of Privilege: Municipal Prerogatives and Royal Law”
Comment: Stafford Poole, University of California, Los Angeles

#20 Appropriating Text, Medieval, Early Modern and Modern (Public Policy Building, Room 2325)
Chair: Mary Elizabeth Perry, Occidental College and UCLA's Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
-Teresa Bargetto-Andres, California State University, Stanislaus, "A Historical Analysis of Medieval Spanish Manuscript Culture."
-Carmen Peraita, Villanova University, “Leer en escena: representaciones calderonianas de las prácticas lectoras.”
-Marc Charron, Université du Québec en Outaouais, "So Many Translations, So Little Time: Don Quixote in English and French on the Eve of its 400th Anniversary"
-George Bryan Souza, University of Texas, San Antonio, "Boxer Manuscripts II, Lilly Library, Indiana University: the Collector, the Collection, and Catalogue."
-Comment: The Audience

#21 The National Body in Nineteenth Century Spain (Public Policy Building, Room 2333)
Chair: Carolyn Boyd, University of California, Irvine
-Andrew McFarland, University of Texas, Austin, "Regeneracionismo del cuerpo: 1898 and the Implantation of Athletics in Spain."
-Clint Young, University of California, San Diego, "Zarzuela and the Historical Imagination in 1890s Spain."
-Michelle Swindell, University of Texas at Dallas, "The Female Nude in Nineteenth Century Spanish Painting."
Comment: Victoria Enders, Northern Arizona University

#22 Portuguese Empire in the 20th Century: Crisis and Decolonization (Public Policy Building, Room 1256)
Chair and Commentator: Gerald Bender, University of Southern California.
-Douglas Wheeler, University of New Hampshire, Emeritus, " Angola in the 1930s: German settlers; Forced Labor and Preludes to the Galvao Report (1947)"
-Jeremy Ball, Whitman College, "'Going for Broke: Portuguese Capital, the Hudson Institute, and Angolan Independence."
-Luis N. Rodrigues, ISCTE, Lisbon, "The United States and the fall of Goa, 1961"
-Pedro A. Oliveira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, "The United Kingdom and the question of Goa".

Conference Organizers
Joshua Goode
Teo Ruiz

Program Chair
Joshua Goode

Program Co-Chair
Ken Wolf

revised March 30, 2004