Annual Meeting of the Society of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS)

Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 19-22, 2001

(All sessions are at La Fonda)


Registration and Welcome Reception, 7:00-9:00 pm at La Fonda Hotel
Registration: The Mezzanine
Reception: La Terraza


Registration, 8:00-6:30 pm. The Mezzanine.

I. Friday, April 20, 8:30-10:15

1. Spain and the United States at the End of the Eighteenth Century: Diplomacy, Business, War. Santa Fe Room.
Chair and Commentator: Carlos Martínez Shaw, UNED

Celia López-Chávez, University of New Mexico, "Benjamin Franklin, España y la diplomacia de una armónica"

Thomas Chávez, Palace of the Governors Museum, Museum of New Mexico, "'Dearly Sell the Enemy the Victory': Spain, the European Theater, and the Independence of the United States"

Marina Alfonso Mola, UNED, "Embarcaciónes de construcción norteamericana en la flota colonial gaditana del Libre Comerico"

2. Royal Power in Philip IIís Spain. Ballroom North.
Chair and Commentator: William Phillips, University of Minnesota

Timothy J. Schmitz, Wofford College, "Appropriation and Circumvention: The Expansion of Spanish Royal Authority in the Hieronymite Order, 1563-1598"

J.B. Owens, Idaho State University, "The 'Villena Cartel': Organized Crime and International Smuggling in Philip II's Spain"

Edward Shannon Tenace, Lyon College, "The Making of a Dynastic Strategy: A Reconsideration of Spanish Intervention in France, 1589-1592"

Tom Dandelet, University of California, Berkeley, "Spanish Imperial Strategies and the Italian Nobility in the Age of Philip II."

3. The Ins and Outs of Religious Life in Europe and the Americas.. Ballroom South.
Chair and Commentator: Ellen Friedman, Boston College

Heath Dillard, Independent Scholar, "INs and OUTs of Religious Communities for Women in Late Medieval Castile"

Mary Halavais, Sonoma State University, "Marginal History: Three Tales from Aragon"

Stephanie Kirk, New York University, "Mala amistad and enfermedad in the Convent: The Case of Sor María Ildefonsa de San Juan Baptista"

II. Friday, April 20, 10:30-12:15

1. The Spanish Frontier in North America, 18th and 19th Centuries. Santa Fe Room.
Chair: Joseph P. Sánchez, National Park Service/University of New Mexico, Colonial Latin American Historical Review

Juan M. Romero de Terreros, Embajada de España, Washington, D.C., "Las víctimas de San Sabá"

Carlos Fernández-Andrade Marín, Independent Scholar, "El peso duro hispánico, primer dólar de USA"

J. Lee Shneidman, Adelphi University, "The Morales Affair: Prelude to Collapse"

Comment: The Audience

2. The Limits of Spanish Modernities. Ballroom South.
Chair and Commentator: Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma

Alberto Medina-Domínguez, Fordham University, "Esquilache: A Fight for Light"

Lisa Anne Abend, California State University, Northridge, "Ghosts in the Machine: Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century Spain"

Raymond Drolet, University of New Mexico, "The Spanish Philosephardic Press of the 1920s"

Aurora Morcillo, University of New Mexico, "(De)limiting the Female Body: The Philosophical and Scientific Interpretations of José Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañón"

3.  Indians, Africans, and Castas in Spanish Imperial Culture. Ballroom North.
Chair and Commentator: Tamar Herzog, University of Chicago

Mercedes Junquera, Bowling Green State University, "Carlos V: Legislación Indiana y la Leyenda Negra"

Paul Vickery, Oral Roberts University, "Bartolomé de las Casas and African Slavery"

Patrick Provost-Smith, Johns Hopkins University, "Quintilian and the American Indians: The Rhetorical Conceptions of José de Acosta"

Fred Bronner, Hebrew University, "The Spanishness of Early Baroque Lima: Amerindians, Morenos, Marranos"


III. Friday, April 20, 2:45-4:30

1. Religious Beliefs and Practice in the Spanish Borderlands of North America. Ballroom North.
Chair: Sarah Cline, University of California, Santa Barbara

Michael P. Carroll, University of Western Ontario, "Padre Martínez of Taos and the Meaning of Discipline"

Juan Javier Pescador, Michigan State University, "Manuel de Atocha: A Saint for the Borderlands, 1848-1994"

Judith S. Neulander, Indiana University, "The Ecumenical Esther: Queen and Saint in Three Western Religions"

Comment: Ida Altman, University of New Orleans

2.  Mediating Political, Economic, and Social Relations on Local and Global Levels. Ballroom South.
Chair: Susan Tax Freeman, University of Illinois-Chicago

Rainer Lutz Bauer, California State University, Hayward, "Peasant Commons and Village Politics in the Sierra del Caurel, 1769"

Juan Hernández Andreu, Universidad Complutense, "Rasgos de la economía menorquina desde la época británica hasta mediados del siglo XIX"

Montserrat Miller, Marshall University, "Layered Networks: Formal and Informal Alliances in Provisioning Barcelonaís Neighborhoodís, 1898-1939"

Richard Maddox, Carnegie Mellon University, "The History of the Present and the Future of the Past: Sevilleís Universal Exposition and the Cultural Politics of Liberalization"

Comment: David Ringrose, University of California, San Diego

3. New Research in Portuguese History. Santa Fe Room.
Chair: Francis A. Dutra, University of California, Santa Barbara

José M. Valente, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Whose Church Is It Anway? The Fight for Land and Ecclesiastic Rights between the Knights Templar and the Bishops in Medieval Portugal"

Mark Cooper Emerson, University of California, Santa Barbara, "'In Defense of Heresy': A Confessor's Impassioned Defense of a Female Mystic Arrested and Charged before the Inquisition in Lisbon, 1613-1620"

Francis A. Dutra, University of California, Santa Barbara, "The Portuguese Military Orders during the Reign of Philip IV of Spain (1621-1640)"

Thomas T. Orum, Bowie State University (Maryland), "The Invisible Quotient: Afro-Lusitanians and the Creation of Community in Portugal and the Empire from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century"

Comment: Lorraine White, University of Wollongong

IV. Friday, April 20, 4:45-6:30

1.  Tangiers, 1437: A Disaster in Multi-media. Ballroom North.
Chair: Lorraine Attreed, Holy Cross College

Multi-media presentations by: Ivana Elbl, Martin Elbl, and Ryan Telford, Trent University

Comment: The Audience

2. Food, Labor, and Travel in Revolutionary Times: Spain in the 1930s. Santa Fe Room.
Chair and Commentator: George Esenwein, University of Florida

Jordi Getman-Eraso, University of Wisconsin, "The CNT in the Catalan Worker Neighborhood: A Labor Mafia?"

Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma, "'Spain is Different': Battlefield Tourism in Nationalist Spain, 1938"

Judith Keene, University of Sydney, "Franco's Foreign Volunteer Women"

Michael Seidman, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, "Food and Revolution"

3. Operas and Obras: Culture and Knowledge in the Iberian Empires. Ballroom South.
Chair: Renato Barahona, University of Illinois-Chicago

Onésimo T. Almeida, Brown University, "Francisco Sanches: A Missing Link between the Maritime Discoveries and European Ideas"

Diane Sieber, Univeristy of Colorado, "Tierra adentro: Early Spanish Contact Accounts in Northern Mexico (1541-1680)"

Louise K. Stein, University of Michigan, "De la contera del mundo: Opera Navigating between Two Worlds and Four Cultures"

Marcy Norton, George Washington University, "Tobacco and Sailors Cross the Atlantic"

Comment: Juan Javier Pescador, Michigan State University

BANQUET: 7:30. La Terraza.


Registration, 8:30 am-noon. The Mezzanine.

I. Saturday, April 21, 8:30-10:15

1. Hispanismos: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories. Santa Fe Room.
Chair and Comentator: David Ortiz, University of Arizona

John Nieto-Phillips, New Mexico State University, "America 'Española': Aurelio Espinosaís Hispanist Vision of New Mexico, 1907-1940s"

Geoff Jensen, University of Southern Mississippi, "Not So Different 'Others' and the Hispano-Arabic Project in Twentieth-Century Morocco"

Joshua Goode, UCLA, "Inheriting Hispanidad: The Transmission of Cultures in Spanish Thought, 1910-1950"

2.  Queens and Queenship in Medieval Iberia. Stiha Room.
Chair and Commentator: Barbara Weissberger, Old Dominion University

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, Independent Scholar, "The Isolation of Marie de Montpellier, Queen of Aragon, Countess of Barcelona, and Lady of Montpellier"

Marta VanLandingham, Purdue University, "A King's Representation of His Queen: Violant of Hungary in Jaume the Conqueror's Llibre dels feyts"

Theresa Earenfight, Seattle University,  "Theorizing Queenship; or Do Hegel and Habermas and Foucault Have Anything to Tell Us about the Practice of Queenship?"

3. The Edge of Orthodoxy. Ballroom South.
Chair/Commentator: Abigail Dyer, University of Colorado, Boulder

Maria V. Jordan, Yale University, "Francisco Monzón and the Theory of Dreams in Early Modern Spain"

Barbara E. Kurtz, Illinois State University, "The 'relación de sucesos' and the Marvelous in Seventeenth-Century Spain"

Daniel Berenberg, University of California, San Diego, "Papal Proclamations and Local Patrons: The Decline of the Cult of Justa and Rufina in Late Seventeenth-Century Seville"

II. Saturday, April 21, 10:30-12:15

1. Readers and Texts in the Luso-Brazilian World. Santa Fe Room.
Chair and Comment: Judy Beiber, University of New Mexico

Júnia Ferreira Furtado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Princeton University, "Mirror of the World: Libertines, Heretics, and Rebels in the Luso-Brazilian World"

André Belo, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, "Historical Discourse and Information Exchange in 18th-century Portugal through Printed and Hand-written News"

Neil Safier, Johns Hopkins University, "The 'Field Library' of Ouvidor Sampaio and the Politics of Bibliography on the Portuguese Rio Negro, 1774-75"

Rui Tavares, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, "The Power of Words, or God as Reader: Censors Disagree on Books, Amulets, and Amulet-Books (c. 1771)"

2. Elite Culture in Medieval Iberia. Stiha Room.
Chair: James Powers, Holy Cross College

James DíEmilio, University of South Florida, "Tenth-Century Charters and the Ecclesiastical Culture of the Leonese Kingdom"

Shelley E. Roff, Texas Christian University, "The Fourteenth-Century Llotja de Mar: Embodiment of Crisis and Prosperity in the Late Medieval City"

Francisco García Serrano, Saint Louis University, Madrid, "Nobles and Mendicants in Fourteenth-Century Castile: The Development of a Medieval Elite"

Moisés Orfali, Bar-Ilan University, "From Avignon to Peñiscola: The Literary Treasures of Pope Benedict XIII"

Comment: Simon Doubleday, Hofstra University

3. Religious and Cultural Frontiers in Early Modern Spain. Ballroom South.
Chair and Commentator: James Tueller, Brigham Young University-Hawaii

Kathryn Camp, University of Michigan, "Coexistence and Conflict along an Old World Frontier"

Ronald Surtz, Princeton University, "Dancing with Moriscas: The Inquisitorial Trials of Cristóbal Duarte Ballester"

Katie Harris, Georgia State University, "'La Casa Solariega de la Concepción Immaculada': Immaculist Devotion and Communal Identity in Early Modern Granada"

III. Saturday, April 21, 2:00-3:45

1. Toleration and Persecution in Early Modern Spain. Ballroom South.
Chair and Commentator: Patrick Provost-Smith, Johns Hopkins University

Stuart Schwartz, Yale University, "'Each in His Own Law': Popular Toleration in Early Modern Spain"

Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, University of Kentucky, "Political Authority and Religious Identity in Early Modern Spain"

David Coleman, Eastern Kentucky University, "Creating Christian Granada: The Old-World Frontier and the Local Production of Catholic Reform, 1492-1570"

Valentina Tikoff, DePaul University, "Charity Children, Institutions, and Families in Seville from the Late Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth Centuries"

2. Spanish Women from Liberalism to Dictatorship. Stiha Room.
Chair and Commentator: Theresa Smith, Claremont-McKenna College

Nicolasa Chávez, University of New Mexico, "Women on the Guadalquivir: Female Flamenco Singers during the Golden Era, 1880-1930"

Carol Ann Scally, Washington State University, "American Protestants, Spanish Liberals: A Project to Mold the Modern Spanish Woman, 1881-1930"

Julia Hudson-Richards, Marshall University,  "The Sección Femenina Revisited: An Analysis of the Agencyís Propaganda and a Consideration of the Factors Shaping Womenís Responses"

3. The Praxis of Necessity and Habsburg Political Culture, Three Case Studies: Charles V and North Africa, Philip II and Ibiza, Philip III and Peru. Santa Fe Room.
Chair and Commentator: Carla Rahn Phillips, University of Minnesota

Javier Barrios, University of Michigan, "Arbitrismo in the Andes: A Relación Addressed to the Duke of Lerma on cosas del Reyno del Peru"

Aurelio Espinosa, University of Arizona, "Muslim Freedom Fighters and Spanish North African Policy in the Reign of Charles V, 1518-1541"

Matthew Vester, West Virginia University, "Ibiza Salt in Piedmont: Necessity and Political Culture in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean"

BUSINESS MEETING: 4:00-6:00. Ballroom South.



I. Sunday, April 22, 8:30-10:15

1. Monarchy and Mobility in Seventeenth-Century Portugal. Ballroom South.
Chair and Commentator: Stuart Schwartz, Yale University

Lorraine White, University of Wollongong, "The Habsburg Government of Portugal and the 'Constitutional' Revolt of 1640"

Joana Estorninho de Almeida, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, "Juridical Studies as a Means of Access to Power in Old Regime Portugual"

Nuno Camarinhas, Universidade de Lisboa, "Portuguese Juridical Personnel in the 17th and 18th Centuries"

2.  Modern or Archaic?: Spain, 1950-2000
Chair: Joshua Goode, UCLA

Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Fordham University, "'This rotting corpse': The Black Atlanticís Black Legend"

Anjouli Janzon, New York University, Madrid, "From Evasion to Invention: The Fictitious Worlds of the Copla and the Novela Rosa in Postwar Spain"

Cynthia Vich, Fordham University, "Entre dos aguas: Vargas Llosa y la retórica de la transición"

Asunción Merino Hernando, Yale University, "Siglos despues, la hermandad española vuelve a casa desde Perú: viejos y nuevos significados"

Comment: The Audience