Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
The 31st Annual Meeting
King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
New York University
New York: April 27-30, 2000
Provisional Program

Thursday: 6:00PM-9:00PM

Registration, Welcoming Remarks, Reception (Tapas and Music),
Tour of the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center

Friday: 8:30-10:15
1.-Iberian Empires and the Revolutionary Atlantic

Chair: Javier Pescador, Michigan State University

Sinclair Thomson, NYU: "Andean Peasant Insurgents and the 'Age of Revolution'"

Jordana Dym, NYU: "Conceiving Citizenship: Central America and the Cortes de Cádiz."

Jesús Cruz, University of Delaware: "The Rebellion of the Majeza. Rethinking the Meaning of the Uprisings of 1808."

Kirsten Schultz, NYU: "Royal Authority, Empire and the Critique of Colonialism: Brazil, 1808-1821."

2.-Honor, Matrimony and Gender in Early Modern Spanish Tribunals

Chair/Commentator: Allyson M. Poska, Mary Washington College

Abigail Dyer, Columbia University: "Cuckolded Fathers: Dilemmas of Male Honor in Early Modern Spain."

Edward Behrend Martínez, University of Illinois at Chicago: "Spanish Impotency Trials in the Ecclesiastical Court of the Diocese of Calahorra and La Calzada, 1670-1715."

Thomas A. Abercrombie, NYU: "Antonio/María Yta of Potosí: Deceit, Disguise, and Transgender in a Picaresque Confession (Peru, 1804)."

3.-Politics, Society, and Culture in Late Medieval Spain

Chair: Adeline Rucquoi, CNRS

Rowena Hernández Múzquiz, Hampton University: "Moors, Jews, and Christians in Late Fifteenth-Century Seville."

Theresa Earenfight, Seattle University: "What's in a Word? Queens, Regents, and Viceroys in the Habsburg Realms of Charles V."

Teófilo F. Ruiz, University of California-Los Angeles: "Becoming a Noble in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain: The Case of the Chirinos."

María Estela González de Fauve, Patricia de Forteza and Isabel J. Las Heras, Universidad de Buenos Aires; PRIMED-CONICET: "Gracia Dei ¿rey de armas y cronista en la Castilla del siglo XV?"

Commentator: Francisco García Serrano, St. Louis University, Madrid
Friday: 10:30-12:15
4.-Gender, Faith and Honor in Early Modern Hispanic Culture

Chair/Commentator: Luis Corteguera, University of Kansas

Carole Slade, Columbia University: "Gender and Genre: Teresa of Avila's Reading of the Novels of Chivalry."

Scott Taylor, University of Virginia: "Male Reputation and Violence in Early Modern Castile."

Jodi Bilinkoff, University of North Carolina at Greensboro: "Francisco Losa and Gregorio López: Spiritual Friendship and Identity Formation on the New Spain Frontier."
5.-Ideology and the Arts in Spain: A Turn-of-the-Century Assessment

Chair/Commentator: Malcolm Alan Compitello, University of Arizona

Susan Larson, Fordham University: "An Autopsy of the Commodification of Contestatory Culture in 1980s Madrid, or 'resulta que posmodernidad equivale a pintarse el pelo de verde."

José del Valle, Fordham University: "Linguistic Behavior and Identity in Galicia: Camilo José Celaís Heteroglossic Voice."

Jaume Martí-Olivella, SUNY at Albany: "Desiring (The Other) Barcelona: A Filmic Guide."

Ibon Izurieta, Union College: "Shaping Basque Identity Through Literature and Film: Language, Culture and Tradition in Bernardo Atxaga and Imanol Uribe."

6.-Rediscovering Colonial Brazil

Chair: Stuart B. Schwartz, Yale University

Ernst Piijinig, University of Dakota: "Fronteira Diamantina: Monopolizaçao da Mineria em Goiâs, 1730-1760."

Joâo Luís Ribeiro Fragoso, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro: "Notas sobre a Nobreza da República: A Formaçâo da Primeira Elite Senhorial do Rio de Janeiro, sécs. XVI e XVII."

Junia Ferreira Furtado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais: "Redes de Poder e Negócios na América Portuguesa."

Maria de Fátima Silva Gouvêa, Universidade Federal Fluminense: "Representaçâo Política e o Senado da Câmara do Rio de Janeiro por Ocasiâo da Aclamaçâo de D. Joâo VI."
Friday: 12:15-1:45      LUNCH

Friday: 1:45-3:30
7.-Martyrs, Merchants, and Lawmakers: The Portuguese in East Asia

Chair/Commentator: Ronnie Hsia, NYU

Angela Barreto, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: "O martirio de Cuncolim em 1583. Projectos missionarios vs. resistencia e adaptaçao locais."

Carlos J. Lopes Balsas, University of Massachusetts: "Macao: The Urban History of a Colonial Port City in the South China Sea."

Maria Carla Araújo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: "Constitutionalizing Portuguese Far East. Macaoís Chinese and Portuguese Rule in the Late Nineteenth Century."

8.-Militares, conspiradores y hombres de negocios en la revolución española: enfoques biográficos
Chair: Isabel Burdiel, Universidad de Valencia

Juan Pan-Montojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: "Juan Alvarez Mendizábal. ¿El burgués revolucionario?"

Adrian Shubert, York University: "Espartero"

Ana María García Rovira, Universitat de Girona: "Avinareta"

Commentator: Isabel Burdiel, Universidad de Valencia: "Biografía: Un género sospechoso."

9.-Center and Periphery in Spanish Literature and Letters, 1620-1720


Georgina Dopico Black, Yale University: "Disciplined Subjects: Quartering Quevedo."

Christine M. E. Bridges, Lamar University: "El discurso oficial del poder en el Nuevo Mundo: La aurora en Copacabana de Calderón de la Barca."

Oscar Mazín, El Colegio de Michoacán: "Shifting Perceptions of Time and Space. Early XVIIth Century Correspondence between New Spain and the Court of Madrid."

10.-Feminine Contexts for Charles V

Chair/Commentator: Martha K. Hoffman-Strock, Brooklyn College

Leah Middlebrook, Stanford University: "Carlos V entre mujeres: Margaret of Austria and the Emperatriz in the Early Reign of Carlos V (1515-1530)."

Jorge Sebastián Lozano, Universitat de València: "Looking at Isabel: The Construction of an Empressí Image."

Donald Gilbert, University of Tulsa: "Personalizing the Political: Philip IIís Family Narrative."

Friday: 3:45-5:30

11.-Round-Table: Teaching Portuguese History: What Future in North America?

Moderator: Carolyn P. Boyd, University of California-Irvine

Douglas L. Wheeler, University of New Hampshire: "'The Hero in the Empty Class-Room': Teaching Portuguese History Today and Tomorrow."

Timothy Coates, College of Charleston: "The State of the Field of Portuguese History in North America."

Ivana Elbl, Trent University: "Teaching Portuguese History."

Stanley G. Payne, University of Wisconsin

12.-Blood, Lineage, and Race in the Hispanic Past: A Conversation

Chair: Paul Freedman, Yale University

David Nirenberg, Rice University

Brian Owensby, University of Virginia

Tamar Herzog, University of Chicago

The questions that bring us all together, and that we wish to discuss during the session, are the following:

1)How does the society you study seek to explain and legitimate the perpetuation of hierarchies through the language of reproduction?  Does it utilize the vocabulary of blood? of birth?  Do the models of "inheritance" authorized by these vocabularies differ significantly?  In what ways?

2) Within the context of the society you study, can one historicize the origins of these distinctions and the discrimination they underwrite?  Are these distinctions perceived as locally specific or as common to all society, or even to all societies?  Are they open to negotiations?  Can they be changed and modified?  In what way and how are they related to our current notions of race?
Friday 7:30
Public Lecture by Celebrated Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón
Tishman Auditorium
40 Washington Square South

Saturday: 8:30-10:15
13.-The Invention of Empire: Cuba and Spain in the Nineteenth Century

Chair/Commentator: Dale Tomich, Binghamton University

Ada Ferrer, NYU: "Fear, Knowledge, and Power in Spainís Caribbean Empire, 1791-1844."

Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Fordham University: "Speaking through Las Casas: José Antonio Saco and the Construction of the Spanish Empire."

Javier Morillo-Alicea, University of Michigan: "The Empire, the Archive and the Library: Ways of Knowing Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century Spain."

John L. Tone, Georgia Institute of Technology, "The Politics of 'Deconcentration' in Cuba."

14.-Ejemplos, imitaciones y disgresiones: técnicas persuasivas y estrategias de la historia en la comunicación con el monarca

Chair: Elizabeth Rhodes, Boston College

Victoria Pineda, Universidad de Extremadura: "Ejemplaridad y estrategias de persuasión en la escritura de la historia durante el reinado de Felipe II."

Carmen Peraita, Villanova University: "Paradigmas y monarcas: el contexto del ejemplo y el rechazo de la historia en La política de Dios de Quevedo."

Miguel Iglesias, Kalamazoo College: "Los comentarios políticos de Luisa de Carvajal: estrategias discursivas y catolicismo en la Inglaterra jacobina."

Estela Moreno-Mazzoli, Oakland University: "La disgresión en la historiografía española del siglo XVII."

15.-Portugal, Brazil and India: The Seventeenth Century

Chair/Commentator: Bill Donovan, Loyola College

Mark Cooper Edison, University of California-Santa Barbara: "Communal Resistance to the Inquisition: The 'Underground Railroad' Flight of New Christians from Portugal to Spain during the early Seventeenth Century."

Francis A. Dutra, University of California-Santa Barbara: "The Portuguese Military Orders and Seventeenth-Century Brazil."

Glenn J. Ames, University of Toledo: ìFama e Religiâo: The Order of Christ, Imperial Service and the Viceroys of India, c. 1660-1683."

16.-Castilian Politics in the Reign of Charles V

Chair/Commentator: Teófilo F. Ruiz, University of California-Los Angeles

Aurelio Espinosa, University of Arizona: "The Politics of Privilege and the Castilian Regency, 1528-1535."

César Olivera Serrano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: "El cardenal Tavera contra la alta nobleza gallega: el declive de un poder bajomedieval."

Sean T. Perrone, Bentley College: "Charles V and Representative Politics in Castile."

Fernando González de León, Springfield College: "Spanish Nobles and Charles V."

Saturday: 10:30-12:15

17.-Performing Power in the Colonies: Ostentation and Urban Rituals of Good Governance in Colonial Mexico and Peru

Chair/Commentator: Tamar Herzog, University of Chicago

Alejandra B. Osorio, SUNY at Stony Brook: "Ostentation and the Aesthetics of Good Government in Colonial Lima."

Alejandro Cañeque, NYU: "The Politics of the Viceroyís Body in Colonial Mexico."

Linda Curcio-Nagy, University of Nevada-Reno: "'The Good Vassal Responds': Native Americans and the Concept of Good Governance in State Sponsored Rituals in Colonial Mexico City."

18.-Sacred Musical Practices in Spain and Ultramar, ca. 1550-1800: Music in Cities, Cathedrals, Churches, and Missions in Colonial Mexico and Manila


Grayson Wagstaff, University of Alabama: "Music for Mary in Old and New Spain, 1550-1650."

Michael OíConnor, Florida State University: "The Sacred Motet as Discurso Moral: Marian Devotion in Late Renaissance Spain."

John Koegel, University of Missouri-Columbia: "Spanish Colonial Mission along the Northern Frontier of New Spain."


19.-Iberian Agriculture, Politics and Industrialization

Chair/Commentator: David Ringrose, University of California-San Diego

Timothy Rees, University of Exeter: "The Peasants are  Revolting: Cultural Conformity and Protest in Southern Spain, 1875-1936."

Jorge Uría, Universidad de Oviedo: "Asturias 1898-1914: El final de un campesinado amable."

Pedro Lains, Instituto de Ciencias Sociais: "Growth and Stagnation in Portuguese Agriculture, 1850-1950."

20.-Religious and Ethnic Minorities in Valencia, Fifteenth-Sixteenth Centuries

Chair: William Monter, Northwestern University

Debra Blumenthal, Rice University: "La Casa dels Negres: Patterns of Sociability and Mutual Assistance among Black African Slaves in Fifteenth-Century Valencia."

Mark Meyerson, University of Toronto: "A Kingdom of Contradictions: Valencia, 1391-1526."

Benjamin Ehlers, University of Georgia: "Christians and Muslims in Valencia in the Age of Charles V."

Commentator:  Adeline Rucquoi, CNRS

Saturday: 12:15-1:45
Saturday: 1:45-3:30
21.-Constituting the Portuguese Empire in Theory and Practice

Chair/Commentator: Kirsten Schultz, New York University

António Manuel Hespanha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: "The Constitution of the Portuguese Empire: Revision of Current Historiographical Biases."

Catarina Madeira Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: 'Escrever e/é poder.  Os autos de vassalagem e a vulgarizaçâo da escrita entre os africanos (Angola, séc. XVII)."

Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: "Constitutionalizing Africa. African Natives in the Portuguese Early Colonialism."

22.-Gender and the Transition to Democracy in the 1970s

Chair/Commentator: Clotilde Puértolas

Temma Kaplan, SUNY at Stony Brook: "Women, Popular Democratic Movements and the Transition: the Anti-Adultery Campaigns of 1976."

Kathleen M. Vernon, SUNY at Stony Brook: "Screening Room: Spanish Women Filmmakers Look at the Transition."

Pamela Radcliff, University of California-San Diego: "Imagining Female Citizenship in the New Democracy: Writing Women in the 1978 Constitution."

23.-Local Politics, Patronage and Ritual during Charles Vís Reign

Chair: Denis Menjot, Universite de Lyons

J. B. Owens, Idaho State University: "A 'Kingless Castile', Municipal Factional Conflict, and Local Treaty-Making."

Carina L. Johnson, University of California-Berkeley: "Tribute or Munificence: Gift-Giving in the World of Charles V."

Fernando Gómez, Stanford University: "The Exequies of Charles V in Mexico City: The Túmulo Imperial (1560) by Cervantes Salazar."

Commentator: Helen Nader, Arizona University

24.-Religion and Imperial Politics in Early Modern Spain

Chair/Commentator: Sara Nalle, William Paterson University

Timothy J. Schmitz, Indiana University: "Not by the Book: The Hieronymite Rejection of the Tridentine Breviary and Missal."

María Pilar Manero Sorolla, Universidad de Barcelona: "Política imperial y planes divinos. Las visiones de Magdalena y Juana de la Cruz."

Javier Pescador, Michigan State University: "Drafting the Virgin: The Imperial Image of Our Lady of Atocha under the Habsburgs, 1517-1700."

Saturday: 3:45-5:00
Saturday: 7:45-11:30
BANQUET: A Starlit Cruise Around Manhattan

Sunday: 9:00-10-45
25.-Constructing Images of the Portuguese Past

Chair/Commentator: Ivana Elbl, Trent University

Susannah Humble, The Johns Hopkins University: "Cultivating Women of Power: The Crown and Female members of the High Nobility under Dom Afonso V (1438-1481)."

Darlene Abreu-Ferreira, University of Winnipeg: "Women in Portuguese Historiography of the Early Modern Period."

David Higgs, University of Toronto: "Women, Health and Inquisition in Marian Portugal."

William Kavanagh, NYU-Madrid: "The Past on the Line: The Use of Oral History in the Construction of Present-Day Changing Identities on the Portuguese-Spanish Border."

26.-Art, Architecture, and Memory in the Iberian World

Chair/Commentator: Jesús Escobar, Fairfield University

Micaela Amato, PennState: "Another Form of Blood, Memory is also Truth and Life: A Redefinition of 'History Painting'."

Nuno Senos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: "King D. Manuel and the Palace of India."

Jody Brotherston, Louisiana Tech University: "The Iberian Influence on the New Orleans Cabildo at 2000."

27.-Expressing Political Identity in Twentieth-Century Spain

Chair/Commentator: George Esenwein,

Marina B. Diáz Cristóbal, Tufts University: "The New Metaphors of the Nation. The Generation of 1914 and the Journal España (1914-1918)."

Nigel Townson, European University of Madrid: "The Politics of Continuity under the Spanish Second Republic: The Nature, Scope, and Consequences of Traditional Modes and Mores."

Antonio Cazorla Sánchez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: "How Spaniards Confronted Politics in the Late Forties."

Anjouli Janzon, NYU-Madrid: "Ingenuity of Criticism: Defying Censorship in Berlangaís Bienvenido Mister Marshall."

28.-Changing Religious Identities in the Early Modern World

Chair: Benjamin R. Gampel, Jewish Theological Seminary

Alain Saint Saëns, Dowling College of New York: "Charles V, Francis I, and the Ladies' Peace, 1529."

Charles Meyers, Independent Scholar: "Social Inclusion and Religious Assimilation: The Protestant Conversion of a Crypto-Jew in Elizabethan England."

Dolores J. Sloan, Independent Scholar: "Doña Gracia Nasi and the House of Mendes."


Sunday: 11:00-12:45
29.-Identidades y Liberalismo en el Siglo XVIII español

Chair: John L. Tone, Georgia Institute of Technology

Scott Dale, Marquette University: "El problema de La Pensadora Gaditana (1763-1764)."

Juan José Daneri, Marquette University: "El liberalismo de las Cortes de Cádiz y la publicación de La Venida del Mesías en Gloria y Magestad de Manuel Lacunza en 1812."

Alexander Rosells Selimov, University of Delaware: "La construcción de un héroe."


30.-Crossing the Border in Spain and its World, 1000/1500/2000

Chair/Commentator: Stanley G. Payne, University of Wisconsin

Simon Barton, University of Exeter: "Political Refugees or Traitors to the Faith?  Cross-border Loyalties in Medieval Spain, c. 900-1350."

Benita Sampedro, Hofstra University: "Invoking the Patria: Recalling Castile in Colonial Spanish America."

Simon Doubleday, Hofstra University: "Communities of Imagination: Transcending National Identity in Contemporary Spain and England."

31.-Secrets and Lies: The Role of Deception in Early Modern Spain

Chair/Commentator: Magdalena Sánchez, Gettysburg College

Jodi Campbell, Centenary College: "'Say Nothing of What You Have Seen': Secrecy and Good Kingship in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Drama."

Andrew Keitt, University of Alabama-Birmingham: "The Case of Mateo the Holy Mat Maker: Religious Imposture in Seventeenth-Century Madrid."

Michael Levin, University of Akron: "Lying Abroad: Spanish Diplomacy and Dissimulation in Sixteenth-Century Italy."

32.-The Spanish Monarchy in Early Modern Pacific Basin: Law, Local Religion and Evangelism

Chair: Antonio Barrera, Colgate University

Omaira Brunal-Perry, University of Guam: "The Early Spanish Settlement in the Mariana Islands."

James B. Tueller, Brigham Young University-Hawaii: "Local Religion in Early Modern Guam: Chamorros, Spaniards and Others in the Marianas."

Patrick Provost-Smith, Johns Hopkins University: "Jesuits and the Just War: The Proposal to Philip II to Conquer China for the Establishment of the Gospel."
