Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies


Session 1 Friday, 8:30-10:15
Title: Judges, Delinquents, and Popular Unrest: Crime and its Social Context in Ancien Regime Spain

"Don Lorenzo Mateo y Sanz: A Look into the Legal Mind of an eighteenth-century Judge" OR "Domestic Crime and Delinquency in Late Eighteenth-Century Madrid."  Fabio López-Lázaro, Arizona State University

"Infanticide in the Montes: Villagers, Toledo's Judges, and the Rights of Municipalities in the Late Sixteenth Century."  Christian Berco, University of Arizona

"Mercy and Vengeance: Inquistorial Justice at Work in an Auto de Fe, 1680." David Graizbord, University of Michigan

"Monsters and Prodigies: Popular Politics in Early Modern Spain."  Luis R. Corteguera, University of Kansas

CHAIR/COMMENT:   Teo Ruiz, University of California, Los Angeles
Session 2  FRIDAY, 8:30-10:15 AM
Title:  Local Elites and The State in the Portugese World

"Local Elites in Portugal, XVI-XIX Centuries." Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa

"From Merchants to Nobles: The Councilmen of Rio de Janiero (1794-1822)." María de Fátima Silva Gouvêa, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro

"Origins and Evolution of the Portuguese Contemporary Administrative System in Comparative Perspective."  Luís E. Silveira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

"Elites and Political Change in 20th Century Portugal."  António Costa
Pinto, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Travalho e da Empresa

Session 3  Friday, 8:30-10:15
Title: Economics, Politics, and Diplomacy in Early Modern Spain

"The Decline of Wool Exports from Spain's Northern Coast, 1550-1575." Constance Mathers, Ashland, Virginia

(Provisional) "Segovia and the Crown: Royal Taxes and Local Politics, 1590-1621."  David Carrico Wood, Johns Hopkins University

"Give Us Our Daily Bread: Domestic Policy during the King's Absence (1529-1533)."  Aurelio Espinosa, University of Arizona

"An Artisan-Like Relationship?: Factory Owners and Their Workers in Late Eighteenth-Century Barcelona."  Marta V. Vicente, University of Kansas

Comment: Gayle Brunelle, California State University, Fullerton

Session 4  Friday, 10:30-12:15
Title:  Changing Perceptions of Medieval Iberia

"Los dichos de los sabios y la cultural sapencial en la Castilla del siglo XIII"  Denis Menjot, University of Lyons

"Revsiting Castilian Identity: Medieval Orgins of Nationalism."  Francisco Garcia Serrano, St. Louis University in Madrid

"Gender and Magical Practices in Iberian Kingdoms (1250-1350)."  Dulce O. Amarante dos Santos, University of Goías

"En torno a los fundamentos políticos de la monarquia castellana medieval" Ariel Guiance, Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina

Chair:   Adeline Rucquoi, CNRS, Paris
Comment:  Kenneth Wolf, Pomona College
Session 5  Friday, 10:30-12:15
Title: Limits of Prophecy in Early Modern Iberia

"Encubertismo and Political Resistance in Spanish-Occupied Portugal, 1580-1640."  Eric Olsen, University of Pennsylvania

"The Slave and the Patriarch: The Visions of Catalina Muñoz in the Valencia of Juan de Ribera."  Benjamin Ehlers, Erasmus Institute, University of Notre Dame

"El Encubierto: Spanish Messianism in Valencia, 1522."  Sara T. Nalle, William Paterson University

"Illness, Depression and the 'Good Death' among Spanish Women Mystics." Stephen Haliczer, Northern Illinois University

Chair: Katherine Elliott van Liere, Calvin College
Comment: Tom Cohen, Catholic University
Session 6  Friday, 10:30-12:15
Title: Exchange and Economies in the Early Modern Iberian World

"Riqueza, Exotismo e Liberdade: A Amõriaca vista atrovõ da Cartografía do sècolo XVIII existente em Portugal."  Carlos Garcia, Universidade de Oporto

"Perceptions and Prescriptions: The Crisis in Tobacco Production in the Bahian Reconvaço, 1750 1821."  Linda Wimmer, Bridgewater State College

"The Economics of Aging: Dowry contracts, Property Exchange, and Parental Care in Early Modern Galicia."  Allyson M. Poska, Mary Washington College

"Keeping Womern in their place and the Place of Women in a Seventeenth-Century Local Economy:  Some Examples from Northern Portugal." Darlene Abreu-Ferreira, University of Winnipeg

Chair/Comment:  Thomas Orum, Bowie State University
1:00-3:00 PM, PRICE CENTER

Session 7  Friday, 1:00-3:00
Title:  Cy/iberian Frontiers: Digital Initiatives in Peninsular History

"Digitizing History: The Library of Iberian Resources on Line,"  James Brodman, University of Central Arkansas

"Integrating Iberian Histories into the On-line Cultural Environment," Jack Owens, Idaho State University

Chair and Comment: Joaquin Soler Herreros, Jefe de Sistemas de Informática, Instituto Cervantes
Session 8:  Friday, 1:00-3:00
Title: Women and Power in Habsburg Spain

"A Place for Powerful Women: Female Guardians in the Spanish Nobility." Grace Coolidge, Indiana University

"'Habitual' Offenders: The Perils of Conventual Festivity and Cross-Dressing in Post-Tridentine Spain."  Timothy Schmitz, Indiana University

""Correct her living so licentiously": Penitentiary Magdalene Houses in Sixteenth-Century Spain."  Abigail Dyer, Columbia University

"The Permeable Cloister: Convents in the Social Landscape of Early Modern Spain."  Elizabeth Lehfeldt, Cleveland State University

Comment: Allyson Poska, Mary Washington College
Session 9:   Friday, 1:00-3:00
Title:  Patronage, Art, and Architecture in Medieval and Habsburg Spain

" The Patronage of Romanesque Church Construction in Galicia." James D'Emilio, University of Southern Florida

"Symbolic Elements in the Works of St. Beatus of Liebana and in the 'Beatus' Miniatures." Leslie Freeman, University of Chicago, J. González Echegaray, Instituto de Investigaciones Prehistoricas, Santander, A. del Campo Hernández, Universidad de Cantabria

"Palacial Architecture and the Development of Royal Festivities in the Reign of Philip III."  Patricia Lopes Don, San José State University

"Of Banners and Swords: Symbols as Military Deterrent."  José Valente, University of California, Santa Barbara

Comment and Chair: Denis Menjot, University of Lyons
3:15-5:15, PRICE CENTER
Session 10: Friday, 3:15-5:15
Title:  Redefining the Margins in Spain

"Así nuevos como viejos: Morisco Identity and the Church in Sixteenth-Century Aragon."  Mary Halavais, California State University, San Marcos

"Martín de Ayala's Catecismo para instrucción de los nuevamente convertidos moros: An example of attempts of Morisco Conversion." Mauricio Damian Rivero, Florida International University

"Negotiating Convivencia in Sixteenth-Century Granada." Kathryn Camp, University of Michigan

"Nahua Nobles and the Court of Charles V."  Carina Johnson, University of California, Berkeley

Chair/Comment:  Elizabeth Lehfeldt, Cleveland State University
Session 11   Friday, 3:15-5:15
Title: From Literature to History

"Manos Teatrales - In Historians' Hands: A Digitized Databank and Website of Theatrical Manuscripts."  Margaret Greer, Duke University

"Archaism and Modernity in Madrid Literature and Culture, 1870-1936." Edward Baker, University of Florida

"El significado historiográfico de las Aventuras de Juan Luis de Diego Ventura Rejón y Lucas (1721 c.1790)."  Scott Dale, University of North Dakota

"Entre historia y literatura: la Relación del capitan Domingo de Toral y Valdes."  Alessandro Cassol, University of Milan

Chair/Comment: Alain Saint-Saëns, Dowling College
Session 12  Friday, 3:15-5:15
Title: New Insights Into the Spanish Civil War

"The Non-Intervention Committee: The Stillborn Child of the European Balance of Power and Radical Ideologies."  Michael Maguire, Ohio University

"The Efficient Counter-Revolution: The Nationalist Effort in Comparative Perspective."  Michael Seidman, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

"Slaying Satan. Saving Franco:  The Romanian Iron Guard and Nationalist Spain."  Judith Keene, University of Sydney

"Approaching the Unanswerable Question of Spanish Anarchism."   Jordi W. Getman-Eraso, University of Wisconsin

Chair/Comment:  Sandie Holguin, University of Oklahoma

Session 13 Saturday, 8:30-10:30
Title:  Women, the Nation, and Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Spain

"Imaging the Female Citizen, 1890-1930."  Elizabeth Munson, University of California, San Diego

"La Ben Plantada: Icon of Catalan Bourgeois Nationalism." Victoria Enders, Northern Arizona University

"Female Citizenship During the Transition, 1975-1978."  Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego

Chair and Comment:  Judith Keene, University of Sydney
Session 14 Saturday, 8:30-10:30
Title: Diverse Expressions of Spanish Music

"Nationalism and Folklore in the Music of Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909)." Walter Clark, University of Kansas

"Traditional Work Songs of Rural Castile."  David Vassberg, University of Texas-Pan American

"A New Source of Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theatre Music from Mexico City."  John Koegel, University of Missouri-Columbia

Chair/ Comment:  James Boyden, Tulane University
Session 15  Saturday, 8:30-10:30 (Note: This panel has been cancelled and will be replaced)
Title:  Reading, Publishing and Images in the Study of  Early Modern Spanish History

"Title?"  Maria López-Vidriero, Directora del Biblioteca del Palacio Real, Madrid

"Title?"  Elena de Santiago, Directora de la Sección de Imágenes, Biblioteca del Palacio Real, Madrid

"Title?"  Pedro Catedra, Universidad de Salamanca

"Spanish Art History and the Internet:  Resources, Projects and Proposals." Jorge Sebastian Lozano, Universtat de Valencia

Chair/Comment:  Antonio Feros, New York University
RADISSON HOTEL, 10:30-12:30

Session 16  Satuday, 10:30-12:30
Workshop/Roundtable:  Hispanism After Prescott's Paradigm: Present and Future Trends

    Richard Kagan, Johns Hopkins University
    David Nirenberg, Rice University
    Isabel Burdiel, Universidad de Valencia
    James Amelang, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Sabine McCormick, University of Michigan

Moderator:  Paul Freedman, Yale University
Session 17  Satuday, 10:30-12:30
Title:  Truth, Knowledge, and the Self in Modern Spain

"Feliu or Fontanellas? The Commodification of Identity in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Barcelona."  Stephen Jacobsen, University of New Hampshire

"The Science of Understanding Crime: The Incursion of Criminal Anthropology on Spanish Social Policy, 1895-1910."  Joshua Goode, University of California, Los Angeles

"El Noventa y ocho in noventa y ocho."  Chris Schmidt-Nowara, Fordham University

"The Mobilization of Intellect in Spain During the Great War: "Aliadofilia" and the Question of Modernity."  Marina B. Díaz-Cristóbal, Tufts University

Chair/Comment:  Adrian Shubert, York University
Session 18  Saturday, 10:30-12:30
Title:  Public and Private Rituals in Habsburg Spain

"Private Ritual and Public Penance: Moriscas and Resistance." Mary Elizabeth Perry, Occidental College

"The Sons and Daughters of Rosario: An Afro-Lusitanian Brotherhood and the Creation of Community in Portugal, 1496-1810."  Thomas Orum, Bowie State University

"Moriscas, Written Texts, and the Inquisition."  Ronald Surtz, Princeton University

"Popular Poetry, Public Ritual, and the Fall From Power in the Romancero de Rodrigo Calderón."  Anne Cruz, University of Illinois in Chicago

Chair:  James Tueller, Brigham Young University - Hawaii Comment: Renato Barahona, University of Illinois, Chicago
Session 19 Saturday, 2:00-4:00
Title:  Culture and Society in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Portugal and Spain

"The Day Anarchism Collided with Republican Anticlericalism: Some Reflections on the Significance of the Attempted Regicide of Alfonso XIII, 31 May, 1906."  Enrique A. Sanabria, University of California, San Diego

(Provisional) "Conflictividad campesina y la dinamica de las esfera pública durante la Restauración: La comarca de l'Horta (Valencia).  Monica María Burgera, Universities of Valencia and Michigan

"The Lessons of Andalusian Romanticism: Reinserting the Bullring, the Bandit, and the Lore of Popular Martyrdom into the history of Nineteenth-Century Spain."  Sarah White, Columbia University

"The Circuits of Labor Migration from Algarve to Andalucia and the Southern Iberian Migration System (18th-20th Centuries)."  Marcelo Borges, Dickinson College

Chair and Comment:  Jesus Cruz, University of Delaware
Session 20  Satuday, 2:00-4:00
Title:  Immigration and Communal Construction in Spain and the Americas (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)

"The New Frontier Within: Enlightenment Utopianism and Internal Colonization in Spain."  Franciso LaRubia-Prado, Georgetown University

"Private Organizations as Global Networks in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America: The Real Congregación de San Fermín de los Navarros, (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries)."  Tamar Herzog, University of Chicago

"La nación Bascongada: Ethnic Identities and Trans-Atlantic Communities in the Spanish Empire (1570-1690)." Juan Javier Pescador, Oberlin College

"Capilaridad del poder en Monarquía: agentes y procuradores de las catedrales de la Nueva España en la corte de Madrid."  Oscar Mazin, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Colegio de Michoacán

Chair/Comment:  ?
Session: 21  Saturday, 2:00-4:00
Title: Public Spaces, Politics and Political Rituals

"El trazado en damero de las ciudades hispanoamericanas.  Una propuesta metodológica."  Esteban Sánchez de Tagle, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia y Historia, México

"The City Square as Symbol of Political Order in Habsburg Spain." Jesús R. Escobar, Fairfield University

"Royal Receptions, Prestige and Power in Sixteenth-Century Burgos." Paul Hiltpold, California Polytechnical University, San Luis Obispo

"Service and Honor in Early 16th-Century Safí: Yahya-u-ta Fuft and Portuguese Noble Culture."  Matthew Racine, University of California, Santa Barbara

Chair/Comment:  James F. Powers, College of the Holy Cross
Sunday, April 18
Session 23, Sunday, 8:15-9:45
Title: Politics and Diplomacy in the Habsburg Era

"Capelos para el Rey: Spanish Diplomacy in Early Seventeenth Century Rome." Javier F. Barrios, University of Michigan

"From Epic Action to Picaresque Reaction: Polity and Court Politics in Lope de Vega's Jerusalén conquistada." Elizabeth Wright, University of Georgia

"Reason of State in Spanish Political Thought of the 16th and 17th Centuries." Xavier Xil,

Session 24, Sunday, 8:15-9:45
Title: Aspects of Empire

Salvador Albinana, Universidad de Valencia

"Pombal, Diamonds and Sephardic Jews: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Trade in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Atlantic." Ernst Pijning, University of Central Arkansas.

"Centre and Periphery: The Municipal Councils of Portuguese America and their Relation to the Crown (XVII-XVIII Centuries)." María Fernanda Bicalho, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro

Session 24, Sunday, 8:15-9:45
Title: Colloquium on the Spanish Second Republic: The Radical-CEDA Alliance of 1933-1935, Reform as Reaction

Nigel Townson, European University of Madrid

Timothy Rees, Exeter University

Chair/Comment: George Esenwein, University of Florida
Plenary Session, Sunday, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Spanish Nationalism and Historiography from the Perspective of 1999

"Discurso de las dos Españas." Santos Juliá, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid

"Title?" Carlos Serrano

"Title?" José Alvarez Junco, Tufts University/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

"National Self-Fashioning: Spain at International Expositions, 1893-1992." Adrian Shubert, York University, Toronto

Comment: Carolyn Boyd, University of Texas